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Anna was in no hurry. But even so, she began to grow a little fidgety when the moment of which he had spoken grew into something like five minutes. She felt sorry she had brought her dear child's letter. "Dummer Kerl" indeed! Mr. Jervis Blake was nothing of the sort he was a very kind, sensible young fellow! She was glad when at last she heard Mr.

"There is only one Kaiserstadt," sings the loyal Kerl of Vienna, but he shakes the dust of the Graben from his feet on holiday mornings, and makes his merry pilgrimage to the lordly Schoen-brunn or the heartsome Dornbach, or the wooded eyry of the Kahlenberg. What would white-bait be if not eaten at Greenwich?

Aber when she runs with this poor kerl away from her family, and her first husband's family is so schrecklich mad that they try by law to take from her her boy and her money, because she has her highborn family disgraced, you see? For a year they fight in the courts, and then it stands that her money Frau Nirlanger can keep, but her boy she cannot have.

"Dummer Kerl!" said the bird-faced man suddenly in a tone of concentrated malignancy, glaring under his bandages. "Esel!" "That's German for silly ass! I know. But who's the silly ass 'im or me? When I was a kid, I used to read penny dreadfuls about 'avin adventures and bein' a great c'mander and all that rot. I stowed it. But what's 'e got in 'is head?

The sun flashed on his broad, burnished wings as he stooped; Gethryn fancied he could see his evil little eyes; finally the bird rose and dwindled away, lost against the mountainside. He was roused from his reverie by angry voices. "Cochon! Kerl! Menteur!" cried someone. The other voice remonstrated with a snarl. "Bah!" cried the first, "you lie!" "Alsatians," thought Rex; "what horrible French!"

"Well," continued the Antiquary, "I would bet a trifle there was not a kolb kerl, or bondsman, or peasant, ascriptus glebae, died upon the monks' territories down here, but John of the Girnel saw them fairly and decently interred." "Ay, but if it like your honour, they say he had mair to do wi' the births than the burials. Ha! ha! ha!" with a gleeful chuckle.

When the company got down to the Mecklenburg salad, the clamorous German expatiated about it at length as he began his bustling preparations for its manufacture. "One of the great points of my salad is plenty of pepper." With a flourish he grabbed the little pepper box to suit the action to the words, and nothing came out. It was empty. "Waiter, waiter, bring some pepper, you stupid Kerl.

He looked an inferior, though by no means an easy inferior, and instinctively they hated him. The Prince pointed to the flying-machine and said something in broken English that Bert took for German and failed to understand. He intimated as much. "Dummer Kerl!" said the bird-faced officer from among his bandages. The Prince pointed again with his undamaged hand. "You verstehen dis drachenflieger?"

I caught sight of her face in profile. The delicate eyebrow rose high above the downcast eyelid, an unsteady flush overspread the cheek, the little ear was red under the lock pushed behind it. 'I have heard all the best performers with my own ears, pursued Mr. Ratsch, suddenly frowning, 'and compared with the late Field they were all tfoo! nil! zero!! Das war ein Kerl! Und ein so reines Spiel!

Not till an hour later did he return from the scene of his operations, and even then did not know to what he should turn his hand first. Great was his delight, then, to see the task already finished; he merely had to copy it. He gazed at me with a curious peevishness and said: "Guter kerl."