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Kana would often straddle from Kauai to Oahu, like a colossus of Rhodes, and when a king of Kahiki, who was keeper of the sun, undertook to deprive the people of it, because of some slight, Kana waded across the sea and forced that king to behave himself instanter; then, having seen the light properly placed in the sky, he spread his breech-clout over a few acres of volcano to dry, and took a nap on a mile or so of lava bed.

The guide was sent for and questioned, but he knew nothing. The gentleman in green had merely stopped to ask him the time. Tomarite mo Tsubasa wa ugoku Kocho kana! Little butterfly! Even when it settles Its wings are moving. Next morning it was snowing and bitterly cold. Snow in Japan, snow in April, snow upon the cherry trees, what hospitality was this?

Now the prince had twelve sons, and, in obedience to the goddess and in hope of eventually saving their dynasty, eleven of them cheerfully headed sorties on eleven following days, and were slain, until only Ajeysi, the youngest, was left alive. Then the Kana prepared for the end.

I have often heard our servants discuss our respective merits. "Your master," say my servants to Livingstone's, "is a good man a very good man; he does not beat you, for he has a kind heart; but ours oh! he is sharp hot as fire" "mkali sana, kana moto."

They understand me well when I pronounce every word slowly and distinctly using simple phrases, and avoiding idioms. When a word with which they are not familiar must be used, we refer to a good English-Japanese dictionary, which gives each vernacular meaning both in the kana and in the Chinese characters. Usually my young visitors stay a long time, and their stay is rarely tiresome.

"This letter, if I remember rightly, I picked up in some town in Hitachi, and I shall be very glad if you will accept it, either to use it for a model if it be written beautifully, or to laugh at if it prove to have been written awkwardly." Then the chief among the maids, receiving the letter, tried to read the writing upon the envelope: "Tsuki ni hoshi ame ni arare ga kori kana,"

Here "bought" is not applied to persons who were made slaves, but to those taken out of slavery. Prov. 8. 22. Prov. xix. 8. Prov. xvi. 16. Finally, to buy is a secondary meaning of the Hebrew word Kana. Even at this day the word buy is used to describe the procuring of servants, where slavery is abolished.

His body was neglected in order to make him angry, so to incite him to vengeance. "The grave was a kind of sepulchre dug out of a bank. It was walled up with stones after Aliguyen was placed in it, and an egg thrown against the tomb, whereupon the people yelled: 'Batna kana okukulan di bujolmi ud Kurug! After this the people dispersed to their homes.

The kana is a syllabary of forty-seven letters, which by diacritical marks, may be increased to seventy. The kata-kana is the square or print form, the hira-kana is the round or "grass" character for writing.

Prov. viii. 22. Prov. xix. 8. Finally, to buy is a secondary meaning of the Hebrew word kana. Even at this day the word buy is used to describe the procuring of servants, where slavery is abolished. This is the current word in West India newspapers.