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"You must saddle her," said I to Raymond, as I sat down again on a pile of buffalo robes: "Et hoec etiam fortasse meminisse juvabit." I thought, while with a painful effort I raised myself into the saddle. Half an hour after, even the expectation that Virgil's line expressed seemed destined to disappointment.

I have lately observed that this thought has been elegantly expressed by Cowley: 'Things which offend when present, and affright, In memory, well painted, move delight. The lines are found in the Ode upon His Majesty's Restoration and Return, stanza 12. They may have been suggested by Virgil's lines 'Revocate animos, maestumque timorem Mittite; forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.

It was Algiers over again, but with even more serious consequences to English influence indeed to all but French influence in the Mediterranean. It is difficult to believe that the feeling of the English statesmen of the day is expressed in the words Haec olim meminisse juvabit.

There are some tastes that are sweet in the mouth and bitter in the belly; and there is a similar contradiction and anomaly in the mind and heart of man. Again, what would become of the Posthaec meminisse juvabit of the poet, if a principle of fluctuation and reaction is not inherent in the very constitution of our nature, or if all moral truth is a mere literal truism?

I mean, that you should write short memoirs of that busy scene, in which you have been enough concerned, since your arrival at Hamburg, to be able to put together authentic facts and anecdotes. I do not know whether you will give yourself the trouble to do it or not; but I do know, that if you will, 'olim hcec meminisse juvabit'. I would have them short, but correct as to facts and dates.

Nor did Aladdin ever see her again, but in after years the smell of box or roses would bring into his mind the wonderful face of her, and the music of her voice. In the delirium which was upon him all that night, he harped to the surgeon of Ellen, and in the morning fell asleep. "Haec olim meminisse juvabit," said the surgeon, as rain-clouded dawn rose whitely in the east.

And had not the other been a dove all the morning and afternoon? Yet, jealousy had turned her to a fiend before his eyes. Mrs. Vane's lips. Triplet's situation was, in fact, that of AEneas in the storm. "Olim et haec meminisse juvabit " "But, while present, such things don't please any one a bit."

Sassnett, I'll trouble you for a light, sir." And so he ignited a fuller-flavored Cuba, and drank, in a sweeter grog, "Our noble selves" olim hæc meminisse juvabit. There was one striking contrast on board to the gallant Winder. Livingstone did not go below, but walked the deck all night long, straining his eyes eagerly forward through the thick darkness and the driving rain.

I mean, that you should write short memoirs of that busy scene, in which you have been enough concerned, since your arrival at Hamburg, to be able to put together authentic facts and anecdotes. I do not know whether you will give yourself the trouble to do it or not; but I do know, that if you will, 'olim hcec meminisse juvabit'. I would have them short, but correct as to facts and dates.

At Manheim you may certainly get good letters of recommendation to the courts of the two Electors of Treves and Cologne, whom you are yet unacquainted with; and I should wish you to know them all; for, as I have often told you, 'olim haec meminisse juvabit'. There is an utility in having seen what other people have seen, and there is a justifiable pride in having seen what others have not seen.