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I jumped too hurriedly, and caught my heel in a flat sky-light, through which I should have fallen thirty feet into a hall near the junior's room, if by chance my awkwardness had not made me swerve. I got off with two badly flayed knees, but did not give them a second thought.

His disguise was so perfect, his accent so natural, and his phlegm so imperturbable, that many persons of the Saxon court were completely deceived, which did not in the least astonish me; and I thereby saw that Baptiste junior's talent for mystification had lost nothing since the time when I had been so highly diverted at the breakfasts of Colonel Beauharnais.

"Fine," said Connel. "That gives me just enough time to notify Space Academy to get ready to receive Junior's signal. You know what to do?" "I don't have to do anything, sir," answered Tom, nodding to the solar clock over his head. "In nine minutes and twenty seconds, the reactor units go off automatically at one-second intervals." Roger and Astro entered the control deck and came to attention.

"Bread-butter. Pietro lika heem." "That Arlo Weeks Junior!" cried Janice suddenly. "Oh, Daddy, there he is outside." There was a loud explosion of laughter back of the bear and his trainer, on the dark porch, and then the clatter of running feet. Junior's proclivity for practical jokes was too well known for the Days to doubt his connivance in this most surprising happening.

"I ask your pardon, sir, What was it you ?" "I think a Norfolk biffin would rouse her, Cobbs." Restoratives of that kind, Boots would seem to have regarded as too essential to Mrs. Harry Walmers junior's happiness.

When we are married, you shall have the satisfaction of thinking that it didn't last to ruin him, but passed away to do him good; for we'll see then what we can do to put some trifling help in Martin junior's way. HAVE I any influence with our venerable friend? Well! Perhaps I have. Perhaps I have.

Junior, I observed, left his mark before the day was over. He was standing, watching the sale with his usual impassive expression, when a big, hulking fellow leered into his face and cried. "Tow head, white-head, Thick-head, go to bed." The last word was scarcely out of his mouth before Junior's fist was between his eyes, and down he went. "Want any more?"

Fairfax Cary swore with impatience. The other laughed again, but when, late next morning, they got away with a message called to them from the porch, "You'll be at Elm Tree this afternoon. Tell Cousin William " he looked kindly at his junior's vexed face and proposed a division of forces. "We can't neglect Elm Tree, and then there's Cherry Hill and Malplaquet still before us.

At last we arose to return, and Royce and Mrs. Kemball started on ahead, after a habit they had fallen into, which, now I think of it, I am sure was our junior's doing. "Two more days, and we'll be at Havre," I said. "I'll be very sorry, Miss Kemball." "Sorry? I'd never have suspected you of such a fondness for the ocean!" "Oh, it's not the ocean!"

Caper junior's baby equally bald, but with a crop as sure of coming as mustard and cress beneath his flannel some in arms, some on legs, some upon brave crutches, all were abroad in the soft air from the west, which had stolen up under the stiff steel skirt of the east wind, exactly as wise Captain Zeb predicted. "My dear," said Mrs. Twemlow to the solid Mrs.