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Oh, dear, it's such blessed news!" "I didn't say they were engaged," began Mr. Cabot frantically, "I I" "Didn't say that Polly and Pickering were engaged?" repeated Mrs. Cabot. "Well, what did you say, Mr. Cabot?" "I said he loved her," said Mr. Cabot. "O, Felicia, it's the making of the boy," he added jubilantly. Mrs. Cabot sank into her husband's deserted chair, unable to find a word.

Joyce stirred the concoction in the jug jubilantly. "Just think of Mr. Drew coming here and bringing folks with him. Isn't it wonderful?" She was all aglow with interest, excitement and pleasure. Gaston looked at her musingly. "I used to think," she went on, coming forward with the jug and setting it on a low table near the hearth, "that nothing could ever happen here in St. Angé.

She whirled into the sitting-room, where the solitary lamp stood on the table, and Cecil lay on the humpy green plush sofa reading a novel from the Free Library. She put down the book and stared with wide eyes as Claire gave an extra whirl for her benefit, and cried jubilantly "Admire me! Admire me! I'm dying to be admired! Don't I look fine, and smart, and unsuitable!

Thank your old school-master too; you would have been in a pretty fix if it had not been for him." They thanked him, laughed, and went their way jubilantly, for at this moment when they were about to go home to their parents they all felt happy. Only one remained behind, who could not at once find his books, and who when he had found them sat down as if he must read them over again.

But the good talk, the rich talk, the talk that could never suffer poverty of mind or soul, was there, and we jubilantly found ourselves again in our middle youth. It was the mighty moment when Clemens was building his engines of war for the destruction of Christian Science, which superstition nobody, and he least of all, expected to destroy.

"Never mind, I got my answer," said Allen jubilantly, and again Betty found it a little hard to look at him. "You mustn't worry though, little girl," he went on gently. "There isn't any danger really. I'm just playing a delightful little game and I'm going to win. Went to see Levine to-day, representing your mother," he added, and his tone suddenly became grim.

She would learn to catch those evanescent lines that something which makes the human face eloquent, though the lips are silent. Dennis was in a maze, but he repeated to himself jubilantly again, "The ice is broken." That evening at Mr. Bruder's he asked for studies in ice. "Vy, dat is out of season," said Mr. Bruder, with a laugh. "No, now is just the time.

While the echoes were still crashing, he was flat on his rock again, peering over the edge to see their next move. "He's alone," cried Healy jubilantly. "Must have sent the kid back for help. Bart, get Dixon's gun, steal up the ravine, and take him in the rear. I'd go myself, but I can't leave the boys now." Slowly the cattle felt the impetus from behind, and began to move forward.

The antithesis between "then" and "now" struck him sharply, as he dismounted. But for that last quarter of an hour with Diana, how jubilantly would he have entered the house! Ten minutes with Lady Felton a dear, chattering woman! and all would have been known. He pictured instinctively the joyous flutter in the house the merry dinner perhaps the toasts.

"Forward now, comrade!" said Caroline, walking toward the house "Forward!" echoed Leonora, jubilantly. Arm in arm they walked across the gloomy hall to the low, brown door, entering the room pointed out to them as Major von Lutzow's recruiting-office.