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Flanders, which in former times was essentially dun-colored and monotonous in tint, learned the means of irradiating its smoky atmosphere through its political vicissitudes, which brought it under the successive dominion of Burgundy, Spain, and France, and threw it into fraternal relations with Germany and Holland.

Maurice caught the outstretched hands in his, and bent over her with an expression of ineffable love irradiating his countenance. "Do not speak yet, Madeleine; do not answer until you have heard me, until you have well comprehended my meaning.

We are to conceive it, at present, as a principal light of life to the young heart at Reinsberg; a cheerful new fire, almost an altar-fire, irradiating the common dusk for him there. Of another Correspondence, beautifully irradiative for the young heart, we must say almost nothing: the Correspondence with Suhm.

I mean, too, that there is to be gained, from a scientific study of the working child, an irradiating side-light upon the tramp question, the unemployed question, and the whole ramifying question of the juvenile offender. . . . One reason that immigrants cling so closely to the great cities is that they find there far more opportunity to get money for their children's work.

Every full, round line of her betokened her perfect fitness for maternity and the motherhood implanted in every woman's heart was softly irradiating her face as she bent caressingly over the sleeping child.

By the time they reached the ancient but still unfinished temple to Zeus, some of whose Corinthian columns they had often seen in Rome, built into their own Capitoline temple, the setting sun had burst through all obstructions, and was irradiating the surrounding landscape.

To continue the portrait: his head and face are small in proportion to his height; his complexion swarthy; the muscles of his face, being relaxed, give him the appearance of a man of fifty years of age, nor can he be much younger; his countenance has a faithful expression of great good humour and hilarity; while his black eyes that unerring index possess an irradiating spirit, which proclaims the imperial powers of the mind that sits enthroned within."

He was smiling an irradiating, genial, triumphant sort of smile! One might readily have taken him for the victor in a contest! Spokesman Jones gulped. "We came we was intending but this hoop-te-doo " Usial beamed blandly and helped out Mr. Jones's efforts to express his intentions. "Yes, Brother Jones, it was quite a shower while it lasted. What were you intending to do?"

He lighted the fuse.... An instant of deathly suspense!... And then with a terrific and a shattering bang and splutter the rocket shot towards the kingdom of heaven and there burst into a vast dome of red blossoms which, irradiating a square mile of roofs, descended slowly and softly on the West End like a benediction.

"A la bonheur! then I have you!" And the Princesse rose, a dazzling smile irradiating her features, "You have thrown open your heart! You have begun to reform! You love Sylvie Hermenstein yes! you positively LOVE her!" "Princesse " began the Marquis, "I assure you " "Assure me nothing!" and she looked him straight in the eyes, "I know all about it!