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"Well, I've he'rd the parson of the old Independence say as how old age was deceitful; but I never seed it so true afore this blessed night. I'm sorry for ye, old man to see you so innocent-like, and Death all the while turning in and out with you in your hammock, for all the world like a hammock-mate." "You lie! old man," cried Thrummings, shaking with rage.

I passed it to-day, and it looked so cheerful; and when you get there, you must take Ellen's advice, and depind solely on yourself. 'Och! ma'am dear, don't mention it; sure it's that makes me so down in the mouth this very minit. Sure I saw that born blackguard, Jack Waddy, and he comes in here, quite innocent-like 'Shane, you've an eye to squire's new lodge, says he.

In my experience a woman may be a fool, but 'tis within limits. Amelia Sanders, looking Phoby Geen in the face, went on tying her shoe; and, while she looked, she saw not only how terrible rash she had been, but also without a guess at the particulars that this man had been at the bottom of the whole mischief and meant to be at the bottom of more. So, said she, very innocent-like

"'This yere fire rages for two months, an' burns up a billion dollars worth of mountains, I'm a coyote if some folks don't talk of lawin' me about it. "'That's a yarn which has the year-marks of trooth, but all the same it's deer as saves my life once, says Doc Peets, sorter trailin' in innocent-like when this Lyin' Jim gets through; 'leastwise their meat saves it.

If he had wanted to put a knife into her, I believe that woman would just hae telled him to take care no to cut his hands. Ay, and what innocent-like she was! If she had heard enough, afore I saw her, to make her uneasy, I could hae begun at once; but here she was, shaking my hand and smiling to me, so that aye when I tried to speak I gaed through ither.

Never another head has he bought lately unless," and Tripp's eyes twinkled at her, "you count pigeons!" "Pigeons!" repeated Judith. Tripp nodded. "Funny, isn't it," he went on lightly "that a man like Bayne Trevors, hard as nails and as free of sentiment as a mule, should fancy little cooing, innocent-like pigeons? You'll hear them in the morning."

The next evening our cracker took a handful of his corn and passed innocent-like near a large, gentle hen, and dropping a few grains on into our shop quarters, the hen, following, was soon inside and the door was closed; and that hen failed to return home to roost. Uncle Tom was out at the time and never knew where that chicken came from.

Why, she let it out as glib and innocent-like as gel could. Will Scarlett's the man, Dent; so you may put that in your pipe and smoke it." Dent's ugly face grew a deep, dull red; his small eyes seemed to recede into his head, and grow deeper and more cunning. He did not speak at all for a moment or two, and when he did, the flush was succeeded by a more dangerous pallor.

Bartley nodded and blew a smoke-ring. "Miss Dorry's sure a interestin' girl," asserted Cheyenne. Bartley nodded again. "Kind of young and innocent-like." Again Bartley nodded. "It ain't a bad country to settle down in, for folks that likes to settle," said Cheyenne. Bartley glanced sharply at his companion. Cheyenne was gazing straight ahead. His face was unreadable.

She afterwards declared that when she saw the two sitting there so innocent-like, not dreaming of the comether she had put upon them, she secretly and unbeknownt let a few tears fall into the cream-pitcher. Whether or not it was this material expression of Margaret's penitence that spoiled the coffee does not admit of inquiry; but the coffee was bad.