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From Dakshayani will spring Aditya, and from Aditya will spring Manu. From Manu will spring a daughter named Ila and a son to be named Sudyumna. Ila will have Vudha for her husband, and from Vudha will spring Pururavas. From Pururavas will spring Ayu. From Ayu will spring Nahusha, and Nahusha will beget a son named Yayati.

There were huge bouquets of roses for the ladies, almost too big to carry. All through dinner he was teaching me the Swedish words, so that we could sing it afterward. How can he be so clever? Din sang, hur skoen, hur underbar! En balsamdoft pa dina laeppar hvila, En vaelljudsstroem fran ditt hjarta ila, Vill mana fram ur verldens haf ett svar: Din sang, hur skoen, hur underbar!

He confined himself to withdrawing from Bordeaux her municipal privileges, which, however, she soon partially recovered, and to imposing upon her a fine of a hundred thousand gold crowns, afterwards reduced to thirty thousand; he caused to be built at the expense of the city two fortresses, the Fort of the Ila and the Castle of Trompette, to keep in check so bold and fickle a population; and an amnesty was proclaimed for all but twenty specified persons, who were banished.

By this sacrifice he obtained a daughter named Ila, who became supernaturally the mother of humanity, and who, I had always felt, has been treated with too little consideration by the mahatmas indeed her name is not so much as even mentioned in Mr Sinnett's book.

Receive him in your midst as the chela of a new avatar which will be unfolded to him under your tender guidance. Take him in your arms, O my sisters, and comfort him with the doctrines of Ila, the Divine, the Beautiful." Taking me in their arms, I now found, was a mere formula or figure of speech, and consisted only in throwing garlands over me.

The inhabitants are Portugals which haue commandement from the king to trafike neither with Englishmen nor Frenchmen for victuall or any other thing, except they be forced so to doe. There lieth off this Iland another called Ila Braua, which is not passing two leagues ouer, it hath good store of goates and many trees, but there are not passing three or foure persons dwelling in it.

And with the high-souled ones have we performed ablutions in all sacred and beautiful mountains and lakes, and also in the highly sacred ocean. And with the Brahmanas we have bathed in the Ila, and in the Saraswati, and in the Sindhu, and in the Yamuna, and in the Narmada, and in various other romantic tirthas.

"Said," said Ho-Pin very deliberately, turning to face the new arrival, "ahu hina Lucas Effendi Mr. Lucas. Waddi el shenta ila beta oda. Fehimt?" Said bowed his head. "Fahim, effendi," he muttered rapidly. "Ma fihsh."... Again Said bowed his head, then, glancing at Soames: "Ta'ala wayyaya!" he said.

Destiny thwarts not the man that has attained to virtue and righteousness. ""'In olden times, Yayati, falling from his high estate in heaven descended on the Earth but was again restored to the celestial regions by the good deeds of his virtuous grandsons. The royal sage Pururavas, celebrated as the descendant of Ila, attained to heaven through the intercession of the Brahmanas.

And Manu begat ten other children named Vena, Dhrishnu, Narishyan, Nabhaga, Ikshvaku, Karusha, Saryati, the eighth, a daughter named Ila, Prishadhru the ninth, and Nabhagarishta, the tenth. They all betook themselves to the practices of Kshatriyas. Besides these, Manu had fifty other sons on Earth. But we heard that they all perished, quarrelling with one another.