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A hundred feet from the foot of the shaft he suddenly came upon the advancing tram-car, a diminutive mule pulling lazily in the rope traces, the humping figure of a boy hanging on behind. The two gazed at each other through the smoke of a sputtering wick. "Hurry up," spoke Winston, sharply. "Burke's hurt, and they'll need your car to carry him out in. What's the signal for the cage?"

Speed-the-Plough volunteered information that Bursley was a good three mile from where they stood, and a good eight mile from Lobourne. "I'll give you half-a-crown for that loaf, my good fellow," said Richard to the tinker. "It's a bargain;" quoth the tinker, "eh, missus?" His cat replied by humping her back at the dog.

And say, fellows, won't we forget for a few hours at least that such things as reveille and scrub and wash clothes and coal humping and salt-horse exist on earth?" "Oh, good Mr. Captain, how long will it be before we hear the welcome call, 'Shift into clean blue, the liberty party! and find ourselves piling over the side," groaned "Hay."

In all his wanderings and Dad had been almost everywhere; swimming flooded creeks and rivers, humping his swag from one end of Australia to the other; at all games going except bank-managing and bushranging he had seen no place timbered like Shingle Hut. "Why," he used to say, "it's a fortune in itself.

We hired a big punt, and fetched this stuff down to our place, a distance of some forty miles or so by water. Then we set to work at building. The site we selected was an ambitious one; too much so, as we were afterwards to discover. From the first Old Colonial objected to it. It was too far from the river, he said, and would necessitate such an amount of "humping."

Oh, stop them!" cried Grace. "Let her finish it," answered Tom briefly. "Sick 'em, Henry!" shouted Hippy Wingate, who saw the black bear humping himself across the camp, not yet having discovered what the uproar was about. "What's this? What's this?" he cried, suddenly comprehending.

I saw a car coming along, and I just got aboard and in ten minutes I was at the base of the big pyramid, and the camel with dad on between the humps, was humping himself half a mile away, trying to get there, and the other camels, with the Arabs, were stretched out like horses in a race, behind, and my jackass was right next to dad's camel, braying and occasionally kicking dad's camel in the slats.

Instead, the bear whirled and, humping himself almost into a furry ball, galloped away. His captor, with the rope twisted about her arm, could not have freed herself in time, even had she thought of so doing. "Help! Oh, help!" she wailed, as her feet were jerked from under her and she was hurled violently to the ground. "Help p!" The camp of the Overland Riders was in an uproar in an instant.

What do you think 'Master Arthur' is likely to have taken to?" "Something easy," muttered Renouard without unclenching his teeth. "Hunting man. Athlete. Don't be hard on the chap. He may be riding boundaries, or droving cattle, or humping his swag about the back-blocks away to the devil somewhere. He may be even prospecting at the back of beyond this very moment."

"It's Susan McKenna!" exclaimed Walter. "What in the world is the matter with her? Miss Susan, are you hurt?" She made no answer, but again she rose, again she gave vent to a wild wail, and again she came down with a thump. Percy was now on his knees near the bed. "It's the bear!" he cried. "He's under there, and he's humping himself!"