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The room seemed to grow suddenly cold, and the faces of all the inmates became pale; they looked more squalid than ever the threadbare curtains, the rheumatic chairs, the soiled floor, sashes and wallpaper. Mr. Hugenot fumbled his shirt-bosom nervously, and his diamond pin, glaring like a lamp upon the worn garbs and faces of his compatriots, showed them still wanner and meaner by contrast.

He knew that they were in the Val Tremola, or Trembling Way, and he shook his comrade almost fiercely, as if relieved by some idea which the place suggested. "Hugenot," he said, "rouse up! The grandeur of the Alps is round about us; you must not miss this scene. Come with me! Quit the vehicle! I know the place, and will exhibit it."

Risque, send him to Germany, that he might beggar the bankers, and so restore the Southern Colony to its wonted prosperity. Hugenot delivered a short address, wishing "the cause" good luck, but declining to subscribe anything. He did not doubt the safety of "the system" of course, but had an hereditary antipathy to gaming. The precepts of all his ancestry were against it.

There is no human God at this vast height; they worship Him in the flat world below. Give me your hand and look down! You are not dizzy? One should be free from the baseness of fear, standing here upon St. Gothard." "If I had no qualm before," said Hugenot, "your words would make me shudder." "You have heard of the 'valley of the shadow'? Was your ideal like this?

"Write!" cried Plade, contemptuously; "write at my dictation." That night the letter was mailed; Mr. Simp was summoned to his banker's the following noon, and at dusk he met Andy Plade in the Place Vendôme, and paid over a thousand francs with a sigh. On the third night succeeding, Messrs. Plade and Hugenot were smoking their cigars at Nice, and Mr.

We will thank you to pay your bill, and settle your quarrels in the garden." "Here is the account," interpolated Andy Plade, "dinner for thirteen persons, nineteen hundred and fifty francs. "Manes of my ancestry!" shrieked Hugenot, overturning the blanchisseuse in his way, and rushing from the house.

He had not even attended the obsequies of the lamented Lees. But Andy Plade forcibly urged that Hugenot was a good speaker, and would be needed for a sentiment. In the evening a lunch was served by Mr.

He clasped his hands, but could not raise his head; the whole scene faded from his eye. If he had been weak before, he was impotent now. The strong man held him aloft by the shoulders with an iron grasp, and his cold eye gave evidence to the horrible validity of his words. "I do not lie or play, Hugenot," he said, in the same clear voice; "I have premeditated this deed for many weeks.

"We do not know," cried Simp, tossing his hands wildly; "we may not accuse, we may not be enraged we are nothing now but profligates without means, and beggars without hope!" They sobbed together, bitterly and brokenly, till Freckle, not entirely sober, shouted, "Good God, is it that gammon-head, Hugenot, who has ruined us? Fetch him out from his ancestry; let me see him, I say!

Hugenot to inquire how his friend came to possess so much money; for Hugenot was not a clever man, and somewhat in dread of Andy Plade, who, as his school-mate, had thrashed him repeatedly, and even now that one had grown rich and the other was a vagabond, the latter's strong will and keen, bad intelligence made him the master man.