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What oaths they swore! and what influence they had with hostlers and chambermaids! and what a sneaking- looking set the others were! shabby in their apparel; no fine ferocity in their countenances; no oaths in their mouths, except such a trumpery apology for an oath as an occasional "confounded hard;" with little or no influence at inns, scowled at by hostlers, and never smiled at by chambermaids and then I remembered how often I had bothered my head in vain to account for the origin of the term "box Harry," and how often I had in vain applied both to those who did box and to those who did not "box Harry," for a clear and satisfactory elucidation of the expression and at last found myself again bothering my head as of old in a vain attempt to account for the origin of the term "boxing Harry."

The old man crawled one day, bowed with humility and clo'-bag, into a military mews and uttered his tremulous chirp. To him came one of the hostlers with insolent beetling brow. "Any gold lace?" faltered Sleepy Sol. "Get out!" roared the hostler. "I'll give you de best prices," pleaded Sleepy Sol. "Get out!" repeated the hostler and hustled the old man into the street.

If you could have seen the necks of bottles distracting in their immense varieties of shape peering out of the carriage pockets! If you could have witnessed the deep devotion of the post-boys, the wild attachment of the hostlers, the maniac glee of the waiters.

How could there be in the South, where from infancy we have all been as familiar with black faces as with white; where many of us fell asleep in the laps of black mammies, and had for playmates Ephrom, Izik, Zeke, black mammy's grandchildren; where most of us have had our meals prepared by black cooks, and been waited on by black house-servants and dining-room servants, and ridden in carriages and buggies with black hostlers?

Her mother was in the kitchen with the other farmers' wives of the neighborhood who were helping to prepare the immense quantity of food necessary to feed the large crowd that always attended a funeral, every one of whom, by the etiquette of the county, remained to supper after the services. Her father, being among the hired hostlers of the occasion, was outside in the barn. Mr.

The uproar, confusion, and squabbles at every stopping place are overwhelming; the upper classes, men and women alike, rushing into each other's arms, embrace and kiss, while drivers and hostlers on the slightest provocation hurl at each other all the denunciatory adjectives in the language, and with such vehemence that you expect every moment to see a deadly conflict.

We could not eat, and there was no conversation among the hostlers and herdsmen we all sat at the same board. At least there was no conversation further than a single hurried request, now and then, from one employee to another. It was always in the same form, and always gruffly friendly.

One of the latter was approaching him with an insolent smile when a figure darted from the vestibule, and, brushing the waiter aside, seized Demorest's two hands in his and held him at arm's length. "Demorest, old man!" "Stacy, old chap!" "But where's your team? I've had all the spare hostlers and hall-boys listening for you at the gate. And where's Barker?

Kate says; "he knows we don't like tearing up and down hills; but now and then his spirit runs away with him!" I wish it would some day with us. No hope of it! We stop every two miles to water the horse, and though we are exceedingly moderate in our donations, we are a fortune to the hostlers.

The station-keepers, hostlers, etc., were low, rough characters, as already described; and from western Nebraska to Nevada a considerable sprinkling of them might be fairly set down as outlaws fugitives from justice, criminals whose best security was a section of country which was without law and without even the pretence of it.