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"Really, all that the tent cook has to do is to take his two hoosh- pots over to the galley and convey the hoosh and the beverage to the tent, clearing up after each meal and washing up the two pots and the mugs. There are no spoons, etc., to wash, for we each keep our own spoon and pocket-knife in our pockets. We just lick them as clean as possible and replace them in our pockets after each meal.

"Hoosh." "What?" said Oliver. "Hoosh. Goo' hoosh. Gran' hoosh. Oh, hoosh!" and as if the mention of the word had stricken it back into clothes again it slid slowly down on its back, closed its eyes and began to snore. Oliver, perched on his bunk for what comfort there was, sat and considered. He looked at the bundle the bars the bars the bundle.

Then his fingers went, and to stop this and bring back the circulation he put them over the lighted Primus, a terrible thing to do. As a result he was in agony. His ear was brought round all right, and soon the hot hoosh sent warmth tingling through us. We felt like new beings. We simply ate till we were full, mug after mug.

The orderly takes the hoosh-pots of his tent to the galley, gets all the hoosh he is allowed, and, after the meal, cleans the vessels with snow and stores them in sledge or boat ready for a possible move." "October 29. We passed a quiet night, although the pressure was grinding around us. Our floe is a heavy one and it withstood the blows it received.

Suddenly, at the door, which had been kept shut to prevent the natives from assembling and peering in suddenly, at the door, there was heard a faint, faint knock. The concertina stopped. Fritz, the Dutchman, said "Hoosh!" and raised his pipe for silence. The knock was repeated. Quiet descended on the Land We Live In.

A "magnificent breakfast" of sledging ration hoosh, full strength and well boiled to thicken it, with hot milk was served. Luncheon consisted of a wonderful pudding, invented by Wild, made of powdered biscuit boiled with twelve pieces of mouldy nut-food. Supper was a very finely cut seal hoosh flavoured with sugar.

Pulling on foot gear in the morning is getter slower and slower, therefore every day more dangerous. Sunday, March 4. Lunch. Things looking very black indeed. As usual we forgot our trouble last night, got into our bags, slept splendidly on good hoosh, woke and had another, and started marching. Sun shining brightly, tracks clear, but surface covered with sandy frostrime.

That outward Barrier march will long be remembered, it was so full of life, health, and hope our only sad days came when the ponies were killed, one by one. But hunger soon defeated sentiment, and we grew to relish our pony-meat cooked in the pemmican "hoosh." On November 24 Oates slew poor old "Jehu" by a pistol shot in Latitude 81 degrees 15 minutes this being the first pony to go.

"Had a fine hoosh with a full pannikin of pony meat added to celebrate our 'De-tenting, which takes place to-morrow morning. We make a depot here with half a week's provision for two parties." We repacked the sledges after breakfast. This place was called the Upper Glacier Depot and it marked the commencement of the third and final stage of the Poleward Journey.

Our meals now consisted in the main of a fairly generous helping of seal or penguin, either boiled or fried. As one man wrote: "We are now having enough to eat, but not by any means too much; and every one is always hungry enough to eat every scrap he can get. Meals are invariably taken very seriously, and little talking is done till the hoosh is finished."