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He is considered the greatest translator of the ninth century and one of the greatest philosophers of that period. He continued the work of Honain, and advanced therapeutics by introducing more extensive use of chemical remedies, such as mercurial ointments, sulphuric acid, and aqua vitae. He is also credited with being the first physician to describe small-pox and measles accurately.

Let me make His worship universal as His power; and where's the priest shall dare impugn my faith, because His altars smoke on other hills than those of Judah? 'I must see Honain. That man has a great mind. He alone can comprehend my purpose. Universal empire must not be founded on sectarian prejudices and exclusive rights.

Upon the lawn was a kiosk, a long and many-windowed building, covered with blinds, and further screened by an overhanging roof. The kiosk was built of white and green marble, the ascent to it was by a flight of steps the length of the building, alternately of white and green marble, and nearly covered with rose-trees. Honain went up these steps alone, and entered the kiosk.

'Call Honain, quick as my thought. Honain! Honain! He waits without. I have seen the best of life, that's very sure. My heart is cracking. She surely jests! Hah! Honain. Pardon these distracted looks. Fly to the Armoury! fly, fly! 'For what, my lord? 'Ay! for what, for what! My brain it wanders.

Honain, continued Alroy, following the Grand Vizir out of the chamber, and leaving Scherirah alone, 'Honain, I have not yet interchanged a word with you in private. What think you of all this? 'Sire, I am prepared for the worst, but hope the best. ''Tis wise. If Abner could only keep that Karasmian in check! I am about to speak with Scherirah alone. I do suspect him much.

But after the unsuccessful mission of Honain to the dungeon, the late Vizier visited the sister of the captive, and, breaking to her with delicate skill the intelligence of the impending catastrophe, he announced that he had at length succeeded in obtaining for her the desired permission to visit her brother; and, while she shuddered at the proximity of an event for which she had long attempted to prepare herself, Honain, with some modifications, whispered the means by which he flattered himself that it might yet be averted.

And news from the army it was. Another victory! Scherirah had defeated the Sultan of Roum, who was now a suppliant for peace and alliance. Sooth to say, the intelligence had arrived at dawn of day, but the courtly Honain had contrived that it should be communicated at a later and more effective moment. There scarcely needed this additional excitement to this glorious day.

'A glorious vision! said the Prince of the Captivity. 'Very different from Hamadan, said the physician of the Caliph. 'To-day I have seen wonders, said Alroy. 'The world is opening to you, said Honain. Alroy did not reply; but after some minutes he said, in a hesitating voice, 'Who was that lady? 'The Princess Schirene, replied Honain, 'the favourite daughter of the Caliph.

The commander of the eunuch-guard rose on seeing Honain, and pressing his hand to his head, mouth, and heart, saluted him. The physician of the Caliph, motioning Alroy to remain, advanced some paces in front of him, and entered into a whispering conversation with the eunuch. After a few minutes, this officer resumed his seat, and Honain, beckoning to Alroy to rejoin him, crossed the hall.

'Honain, he replied, pressing his hand, 'I thank thee. Thou knowest not me, but still I thank thee. 'You are resolved, then, on destruction. 'On glory, eternal glory. 'Is it possible to succeed? 'Is it possible to fail? 'You are mad. 'I am a believer. 'Enough. You have yet one chance. My brother has saddled your enterprise with a condition, and an impossible one.