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Poor David hastened to declare that Miss Helby must be right, and that it was all very nice. Then they blew out the candles and ventured forth. 'Lord Driffield says that Canon Aylwin is coming, said David, examining some Hollar engravings on the wall of the staircase as they descended, 'and the Dean of Bradford, who is staying with him. I shall be glad to see Canon Aylwin.

"That was one of our great families down here that has disappeared. It has dwindled down to nothing." "Duce ace," remarked Mr. Hollar, who was attending to his game. "While others have mounted more suddenly and amazingly still," observed gentle Mr. Peers, who was great upon county genealogies. "Sizes!" thundered the Captain, thumping the table with an oath of disgust.

"What did Hartwick say?" Frank eagerly asked. "He said he had a nice fresh flat who thought it a fine thing to play the spy and blab all he found out." "Blay bluses I mean blue blazes!" cried Harry, banging his fist down on the table. "That's what makes me cot under the hollar! A man who would do a thing like that will steal a sheep!

In the year 1644, another version of this picture, which was engraved by Hollar, was in the collection of the Earl of Arundel, and is now in that of the Duke of Northumberland, at Syon House. Of about the same time that is to say, before 1500 are the portraits of Oswald Krell, at Munich, of Frederick the Wise, at Berlin, and of himself, at the Prado.

Spielmann, think the work to be of the early seventeenth century. Next, glance at the figure opposite. Does Dugdale's print, whether engraved by Hollar or not, represent a Jacobean work?

Hollar had thrown sizes and made his double point, and the honest Captain, who could stand many things better than Hollar's throwing such throws so early in the evening, cursed his opponent's luck and sneered at his play, and called the company to witness, with a distinctness which a stranger to smiling Hollar's deafness would have thought hardly civil; and just at this moment the door opened, and Richard Turnbull showed his new guest into the room, and ushered him to a vacant seat near the other corner of the table before the fire.

The first two cases of this terrible visitation occurred in Westminster, and during the sorrowful months that followed, in place of feasting and pageantry, the fields were the theatre for scenes of horror and death. The pesthouses were still standing in 1832. There was formerly a "maze" in Tothill Fields, which is shown in a print from an engraving by Hollar taken about 1650.

Well, being a Whig, it's the fashn, as you know, to reseave littery pipple; and accordingly, at dinner, tother day, whose name do you think I had to hollar out on the fust landing-place about a wick ago? After several dukes and markises had been enounced, a very gentell fly drives up to our doar, and out steps two gentlemen. One was pail, and wor spektickles, a wig, and a white neckcloth.

There were innumerable courts and alleys opening out of King Street. On the west, south of Downing Street, were Axe Yard, Sea Alley, Bell Yard, Antelope Alley. Gardener's Lane ran parallel with Charles Street; here Hollar the engraver died in extreme poverty in 1677. At the north end of King Street stood a second gate, called the King's Gate, and sometimes the Cockpit Gate.

It were idle to speculate on the benefits which might have accrued to England, by its preservation and retention; Tangier fell into the hands of the Moors, its importance having ceased, with the demolition of the mole. Many curious views of Tangier were taken by Hollar, during its occupation by the English; and his drawings are preserved in the British Museum.