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The thing was this: he held himself away from himself to look at himself precisely as he might have looked at Cis, or Big Tom, or Grandpa. But this was not all. For he did not look at himself as he was, in the big, old clothes; and he did not look at himself singly. He looked at six himselves, all ranged in a wonderful row!

Tough he is German, he speak so much well italyan, french, spanish and english, that among the Italyans, they believe him Italyan, he speak the frenche as the Frenches himselves. The Spanishesmen believe him Spanishing, and the Englishes, Englishman. It is difficult to enjoy well so much several languages.

It offered some curious compensations though, this state of helplessness a limpidity of vision, clairvoyant almost. For a fortnight he had been like a spectator sitting in the stalls of a darkened theatre watching the performances upon a brilliantly lighted stage, himself himselves among the characters, for there was a past and a future self for him to look at and ponder upon.

Moi, je to marierai, Ma luron lurette! Moi, je to marierai, Ma luron lure! "So; and another year it go along, and Bargon he know that if there come bad crop it is good-bye-my lover with himselves. He owe two hunder' and fifty dollar. It is the spring at Easter, and I go up to him and Norinne, for there is no Mass, and Pontiac is too far away off.

However, I improved my opportunity by asking Margaret my question of the day before about church. The girl half laughed. "Ain't any church big enough to hold all de people," she said. "Guess we coloured folks has to go widout." "But where is the church?" I said. "Ain't none, Miss Daisy. People enough to make a church full all himselves." "And don't you want to go?"

The first to speak was Gogol, the irreconcilable, who seemed bursting with inarticulate grievance. "Zso! Zso!" he cried, with an obscure excitement, his heavy Polish accent becoming almost impenetrable. "You zay you nod 'ide. You zay you show himselves. It is all nuzzinks. Ven you vant talk importance you run yourselves in a dark box!"

However, I improved my opportunity by asking Margaret my question of the day before about church. The girl half laughed. "Aint any church big enough to hold all de people," she said. "Guess we coloured folks has to go widout." "But where is the church?" I said. "Aint none, Miss Daisy. People enough to make a church full all himselves." "And don't you want to go?"

Moi, je to marierai, Ma luron lurette! Moi, je to marierai, Ma luron lure! "So; and another year it go along, and Bargon he know that if there come bad crop it is good-bye-my lover with himselves. He owe two hunder' and fifty dollar. It is the spring at Easter, and I go up to him and Norinne, for there is no Mass, and Pontiac is too far away off.