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"With all my heart, if you will call me Maria, or Frau Maria." "I'll try. Don't you think we could practise many a song together?" Just as these words were uttered, Sister Gonzaga entered the room, saying that the wife of Receiver General Cornelius had called to ask if she could do anything for the sick lady. "What does that mean?" asked Henrica angrily. "I don't know the woman."

No, Henrica, I never really loved any one except him." "And your heart waited for the burgomaster, ere it beat faster?" "No, it had not always remained quiet before; I grew up among social people, old and young, and of course liked some better than others." "And surely one best of all." "I won't deny it.

With the old, pure harmony blended another similar one, but in a different key. How could he still think of Isabella, without remembering Henrica! At least he had not heard the young lady sing, so his recollection of Isabella's songs remained unclouded. He blamed himself because, obeying an emotion of vanity, he had promised to send new songs to the proud young girl, the friend of Spain.

Maria's frank nature exerted a beneficial influence; it seemed as if her respect for her own sex increased in her society. The day before she had heard her sing. The young wife's voice was like her character. Every note flawless and clear as a bell, and Henrica grieved that she should be forbidden to mingle her own voice with her hostess's. She was very sorry to leave the children too.

The musician had clenched the handkerchief, with which he had wiped the perspiration from his brow, closely in his hand, and asked: "What more have you heard of Anna?" "Very little," replied Belotti. "Her father has torn her from his heart, and calls Henrica his only daughter. Happiness abandons those who are burdened by a father's curse, and she certainly did not find it.

She herself probably found them somewhat overpowering, for her large glittering fan was in constant motion and fluttered violently, when in answer to her curt: "Quick, quick," Henrica returned a resolute "no, 'ma tante."

Colonel Mulder looked after him and exclaimed to those left behind: "The fellow is possessed with a devil." The next morning the madrigal was practised at the burgomaster's house, while its master was presiding over a meeting at the town-hall. Georg stood between Henrica and Maria.

At these words, Henrica raised herself and with a sigh of relief, exclaimed: "That does me good! Thanks, Doctor. That's a human voice again. If you want to please me, Frau Van der Werff keep on talking, no matter what you say. Please come and sit down here.

While Maria was telling the musician who the dead Castilian was, and that Henrica desired to speak with him, Wilhelm, as soon as possible, she was interrupted more than once; for sometimes a company of volunteers or city guards, relieved from duty in the towers and on the walls, sometimes a cannon barred their way.

"Only my father; but what of that?" He will rejoice over your recovery; Doctor Bontius says you will soon be perfectly well." "I think so too," replied Henrica confidently, and then said softly, without heeding Maria's presence: "There is one beautiful thing. When I am well again, I shall once more Do you practise music?" "Yes, dear Fraulein."