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His expression, which was somewhat troubled, changed to one of surprise as her face came into the light, for it was transfigured. Deeply flushed, her eyes luminous, she wore that shining look Hedrick had seen as she wrote in her secret book. "Why, Laura!" said Lindley, wondering. She said good-night again, and went in slowly.

Every time the legislature met, Ab Handy was a clerk in it, and, if he was a clerk of an important committee like the railroad committee or the committee on the calendar, he invariably came home with a few hundred dollars, three suits of clothes and a railroad pass. No one but Charley Hedrick could live with him for six months afterward.

He obtained prestige as having a father like-to-die, but another boy turned up who had learned to chew tobacco. Then Hedrick was pronounced inferior to others in turning "cartwheels," but succeeded in a wrestling match for an apple, which he needed.

"It wouldn't do at all." "I should think not! I'm glad," continued Hedrick, truthfully, "that idea's out of your head! I believe Laura imagined the whole thing anyway." "Have you looked at her mattress," inquired Cora, "darling little boy?" He gave her a concentrated look, and rose to leave. "Nothin' on earth but imagina " He stopped with a grunt as he forgetfully put his weight on his left leg.

It's all there is to Cora, just show-off, so she'll get a string o' fellows chasin' after her. She's started for this Corliss just exactly the way she did for Ray Vilas!" "Hedrick!" "Just look at her!" he cried vehemently. "Don't you know she's tryin' to make this Corliss think it's her playin' the piano right now?" "Oh, no " "Didn't she do that with Ray Vilas?" he demanded quickly.

"Does it pain you, sir?" "Oh, not a great deal," answered Lorry, closing his eyes comfortably. It was all very pleasant, he thought. "Should it not have stitches, Uncle Caspar?" asked the sweet, eager voice. "I think not. The flow is staunched. If the gentleman will allow Hedrick to trim the hair away for a plaster and then bandage it I think the wound will give him no trouble."

Withal, it may never be gazed upon so fixedly and so protractedly no matter how languidly with entire impunity. That light breeds a bug in the brain. Who can deny how the moon wrought this thing under the hair of unconscious Hedrick, or doubt its responsibility for the thing that happened? "Little boy!"

Cora turned to her mother, appalled. "He'll be sick!" she said. Mrs. Madison shook her head and smiled sadly. "He helped to wait on all of us: he must have been doing something awful." "More likely he wants permission to do something awful." Laura looked out of the window. "There, Cora," said Hedrick kindly, when he brought the toast; "you'll find that nice and hot."

Villard we aren't hurt because Egerton takes so little notice of poor Hedrick." Hedrick's lips moved silently, as in prayer. "I'd rather not," said Laura. "I doubt if I'd have a very good time." "You would, too," returned her sister, decidedly. "The men like to dance with you; you dance every bit as well as I do, and that black lace is the most becoming dress you ever had.

One query filled the American's mind: "I wonder if I am to sit beside her." And then: "I have sat beside her! There can never again be such delight!" It was seven o'clock before his rather unusual toilet was completed. "See if they have gone to the diner, Hedrick," he said to the man-servant, who departed ceremoniously.