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Onward chugged the Gem and the sudden acceleration in the heart-beats of the girls seemed to keep time with the staccato exhaust of the motor. "Lost!" faltered Grace. "And night coming on," echoed Amy. "Oh, you two!" cried Mollie. "I wish I were a boy!" "Why?" asked Betty, as she guided her craft to the center of the stream.

The advantages social intercourse procured for her were, however, more than sufficient compensation for the heart-beats it caused her. If there is nothing so deteriorating as association with one's intellectual inferiors, there is, on the other hand, nothing so improving as the society of one's equals or superiors.

Madame de Warens's bed remains, with the narrow couch of Jean-Jacques as well, his little warped and cracked yellow spinet, and a battered, turnip-shaped silver timepiece, engraved with its master's name its primitive tick as extinct as his passionate heart-beats.

The maiden moved the head which lay on his heart and nodded to him. "Yes; it is true." Michael looked at Therese. She came toward them, and laid her hand on Noémi's head, as if to say, "Well, then, love him!" It was a solemn and silent scene, in which each could hear the heart-beats of the other. Therese broke the silence first.

Or cast yours aside, man to man." His voice broke with his passion and the violence of his heart-beats. But the mocking laughter that burst out died in a sudden hush. A moment before, Sigurd had concluded his pursuit of the thieving hound and rejoined the group, in time to gather something of what had passed. The instant Alwin ceased, he stepped out and placed himself at the young thrall's side.

In her hand the torch trembled and shook. She tried to speak, but could not. And as he faced her, there in the tomblike vault, their eyes met silently. A deathly stillness fell, with but their heart-beats and the sputtering of the torch to deepen it. "Oh!" she gasped, stretching out a hand. "You we can't " He licked his lips and tried to smile, but failed.

From intolerably burdensome heaviness, there was abruptly no weight at all in the ship. Joe's laboring heart beat twice with the violence the weight had called for, though weight had ended. It seemed to him that his skull would crack open during those two heart-beats. Then he lay limply, resting. There was a completely incredible stillness, for a time. The four of them panted.

And so Vaura chatted to give the poor little man time to catch up to his heart-beats.

It was in 1876 that Miss Anthony gave her much criticised lecture on "Social Purity" in Boston. As to the result she felt very anxious; for the intelligence of New England composed her audience, and it did not still her heart-beats to see, sitting just in front of the platform, her revered friend, William Lloyd Garrison.

"Don't; don't speak of friendship!" he said excitedly, when it is you, you with your warm heart-beats, your love I want; great heavens, why did you ever cross my path?" "I shall regret the doing so, if it has caused you pain, Sir Tilton, but in time you will forget me." "You are cruel; and speak as a surgeon to a physically sick man."