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Dick could find no words to describe the curious feeling which gripped him, but he knew himself one of this vast multitude, all thinking the same thoughts, all answering to the same heart-beats. It was as if the meaning of the word citizen had suddenly been made clear to his heart.

Then, instead of vanishing, it came on straight toward her. She sprang to her feet, leaning back against the wall, not daring to look again. So she stood, counting her heart-beats; for she was still certain that when a hundred or so of them had passed, the illusion also would fade. Marjory did not have time to count a full hundred heart-beats before she heard a light rap at the door.

A sinister silent fight, marked only by their fierce breathing and fiercer heart-beats. The pistol had dropped from Steele Weir's hand; instead of attempting to break the other's hold he had yielded to it and pushing his own arms forward had clasped his hands behind Sorenson's back in the wrestler's true defense to such an attack.

Was he going to be a coward because of some incalculable thing in him or force operating against him? Already he sat there, shivering and sweating, with the load on his breast growing laborsome, with all his sensorial being absolutely at keenest edge. Rapid footfalls halted his heart-beats. They came from above, outside the dugout, from the trench. "Dorn, come out!" called the corporal.

The girl darted swiftly up to stamp out a tiny flame at her feet. Standing, she half turned toward Hal. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To New York." "Take me with you." So quietly had the crisis come that he scarcely realized it. For a measured space of heart-beats he gazed into the fireplace. As he stared, she slipped to the arm of his chair.

What business had I to be trying experiments on this forlorn old soul? I had a great deal better be watching that young girl. Ah, the young girl! I am sure that she can hide nothing from me. Her skin is so transparent that one can almost count her heart-beats by the flushes they send into her cheeks. She does not seem to be shy, either. I think she does not know enough of danger to be timid.

Max was conscious of quickened heart-beats and flushed cheeks as the dancers paused and the high, shrill call that indicated an encore pierced through the smoke-laden air; and without question he turned and followed Blake to one of the many tables standing in the shadow of the galleries.

Ah! reader, may it be long before you kneel at the bedside of her you love best in the world, and know that of all your love is left but a hundred heart-beats, while opposite sits Death, watch in hand, and fingers upon her wrist. "Husband," whispered Elizabeth, as we looked at each other for the last time, "let her be your little golden girl..."

So Mae appeared very careless and played she did not see him at all, at all. Yet she could not resist looking up now and then for one of the rare smiles. They seemed like very far between "nows and thens" to Mae, averaging possibly a distance of four minutes apart. But that is as one counts time by steady clock-ticks, and not by heart-beats. Meanwhile, what could she do with her eyes?

It rocks like a cradle, heaving and falling at every step ... It would be a charming game were it not a game with death. My breath comes flying ... my heart-beats throttle me ... sparks quiver before my eyes. Let me rock ... rock ... rock back to the dark sources of being. A springing fountain, higher than all the others, hisses up before me.... Edges and clods rise into points.