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Why, I've seen a cotillon leader run all the way home from a downtown store where he clerked after school hours, in order to get into his society harness on time; and when the winner of the Interstate Oratorical in my Freshman year had received his laurel wreath and three times three times three times three from the crazy student body, he excused himself and went off to the house where he lived, to fill up the hard-coal heater and pump the water for the next day's washing.

It was very late, but he drew a long chair close and poked the hard-coal fire till it glowed to him like a bed of jewels, all alive and stirred to their hot hearts; opals and topazes and rubies and cairngorms and the souls of blue sapphires and purple amethysts playing ghostly over the rest.

And then his first words when he took up his position before the hard-coal stove in the parlor "So you've pitched everything to the devil, and taken up your abode with Charlie," he began, in tones of jealous fury. "And he he is your brother-in-law." There was no mistaking his meaning. He intended that she should make no mistake, for he added a laugh a hateful laugh to his words.

The doctor says there's no immediate danger." The girl brought her hands together girlishly, and said: "Oh, I'm so glad. Is he awake?" "No; he's asleep." "Is the doctor still here?" "Yes." "I guess I'll step in," said Herman. The doctor and George Chapman sat beside the hard-coal heater, talking in low voices. The old doctor was permitting himself the luxury of a story of pioneer life.

The use of anthracite coal had become so general that the wood stove was beginning to be displaced by the hard-coal stove, and in 1827 fire bricks were first made in the United States. Condition of the Cities.% Yet another characteristic of the period was the great change which came over the cities and towns.

The disengagement of all these gradually transforms ordinary or bituminous coal into anthracite, to which the various names of glance-coal, coke, hard-coal, culm, and many others, have been given. There is an intimate connection between the extent to which the coal has in different regions parted with its gaseous contents, and the amount of disturbance which the strata have undergone.

And he knew as well as he knew his own name that Mary was talking to Mert about a new heater, begging him to buy a nice new hard-coal heater instead of the second-hand hot blast stove he was thinking of buying from some man in Spring Road. John Henderson had another one of his bad headaches for Joe saw him lying on the dining-room couch.

She moved toward the door, and dropped her eyes on the little hard-coal fire in the grate; it tempted her, and, with a sort of defiance, she moved over to it and warmed her chilled fingers. A piano, too, and not to teach children on! To play upon, to enjoy! When was her time to come? Every dog has his day! Where was hers?

The doctor says there ain't no immediate danger." The girl brought her hands together girlishly, and said: "Oh, I'm so glad. Is he awake?" "No; he's asleep." "Is the doctor still here?" "Yes." "I guess I'll step in," said Herman. The doctor and George Chapman sat beside the hard-coal heater, talking in low voices. The old doctor was permitting himself the luxury of a story of pioneer life.

Farmer met them; a large, rosy woman of fifty, with a pleasant Kentucky voice. She took Enid's arm affectionately, and Claude followed them into the long, low sitting-room, which had an uneven floor and a lamp at either end, and was scantily furnished in rickety mahogany. There, close beside the hard-coal burner, sat Bayliss Wheeler.