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He lowered his head and made her a deep obeisance, lest she should see the satisfaction and triumph which shone through his pity. As usual Sir Percy remained quite imperturbable, and now it was he, who, with characteristic impudence, touched the hand-bell on the table: "Excuse this intrusion, Monsieur," he said lightly, "her ladyship is overfatigued and would be best in her room."

And M. de Lesdiguieres tinkled the silver hand-bell upon his table. "I have informed you, monsieur, that a duel so-called has been fought, and a man killed. It seems that I must remind you, the administrator of the King's justice, that duels are against the law, and that it is your duty to hold an inquiry.

A butcher's cart and a loaded market cart got swept into the hurrying military traffic. "I don't like this," muttered the colonel, frowning. "It would be stupid to have a panic." On the Mairie steps I could see M. le Maire ringing a hand-bell and shouting some sort of proclamation.

Both the curé and his sister gave me a strict charge as to what we were to do; neither of us was upon any account to go near or enter the dwelling; but after the basket was deposited upon a flat stone, which Pierre was to point out to me, he was to ring a small hand-bell which he carried with him for that purpose.

And there were also disturbing sounds by this time voices, footsteps forward; the steward flitted along the maindeck, a busily ministering spirit; a hand-bell tinkled urgently under the poop-deck. . . . I found my two officers waiting for me near the supper table, in the lighted cuddy.

A descent of a step or two, however, brought the visiters to the level of the cabin-floor and into an ante-room that was evidently fitted for the convenience of the domestics. A small silver hand-bell lay on a table, and Tiller rung it lightly, like one whose ordinary manner was restrained by respect.

Tinkler; and there followed a season of bustle and conversation, which lasted until the Doctor touched a small hand-bell, and ordered them to sit down round the tables while supper was brought in. Mr. Bultitude was not sorry to hear the word "supper."

Mr Swiveller, assenting, armed himself with his stool and the large ruler, and repaired with his employer to the scene of action, where Miss Brass was already ringing a hand-bell with all her might, and yet without producing the smallest effect upon their mysterious lodger. 'There are his boots, Mr Richard! said Brass. 'Very obstinate-looking articles they are too, quoth Richard Swiveller.

Sit down again do!" I walked at once to the door, and Mr. Fairlie resignedly "tinkled" his hand-bell. Before I left the room I turned round and addressed him for the last time. "Whatever happens in the future, sir," I said, "remember that my plain duty of warning you has been performed.

Then he struck a hand-bell beside him, and his summons was answered by a small short-skirted handmaiden who had waited table. "Pipe's out, my dear," he announced. "An' while you're about it you may mix us another glassful apiece." "Not for me, thank 'ee," said Captain Cai. "An' not for him, neither," said the girl.