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You could piece out the linings good and smooth on the under side, draw in the white flowers, and fill 'em round with black to set 'em off. The rug would be han'somer than ever then, and the story would be finished." "Goodfellow, Puck and goblins, Know more than any book. Down with your doleful problems, And court the sunny brook.

I'm glad the prize come to Riverboro 't any rate, and a han'somer one never was give out from the Wareham platform. I guess there ain't no end to Adam Ladd's money. The fifty dollars would 'a' been good enough, but he must needs go and put it into those elegant purses." "I set so fur back I couldn't see 'em fairly," complained Delia, "and now Rebecca has taken hers home to show her mother."

He calmed down. "That there dog o' mine, Captain Ephraim, was a good dog, an' worth money. I reckon ye'll hev to pay me ten dollars for that dog, an' we'll call it square." "Reckon I'll have to owe it to ye, Hank! Mebbe I'll pay it some day when you git han'somer 'n you are now!" laughed Captain Ephraim dryly. He gave a piercing whistle through his teeth.

"Abe doesn't want me and I don't want Abe so I reckon some other girl will have to make his breeches," said Ann. "My lord! but he's humbly," said Mrs. Alexander Ferguson. "Han'some is that han'some does," Mrs. Martin Waddell remarked. "I don't know anybody that does han'somer." "Han'some is that han'some looks I say," Mrs. Lukins continued with a dreamy look in her eye.

"Why, what 's the matter with him? Can't he git work in Boston?" "Matter? Why, his wife, that I see makin' believe be so dreadful pious in the Catholic meetin', she 's carried on wuss 'n the Old Driver for two years, 'n' now she 's up 'n' left him, gone with a han'somer man." Down on Steve Webster's hand came Jabe Slocum's immense paw with a grasp that made him cringe.

Hilda's eyes filled with tears of sympathy, and one great drop fell on the green satin hat, but was instantly covered by the wreath of ivy which was replacing the staring cock's feathers. "Wal, I declare to gracious!" exclaimed Miss Bean. "You'd never know that for the same hat, now, would ye? I thought 'twas han'some before, but it's enough site han'somer now.

Miss Patty is werry han'some, and grows han'somer and han'somer ebbery time I sees her yah, yah, yah!" The laugh of that old negro sounded startling and unnatural, yet there was something of the joyous in it, after all, like every negro's laugh. "Yah, yah, yah! Yes, Miss Patty won'erful han'some, and werry like Miss Dus.

"They ain't none han'somer as ever wasted her time ridin' herd on a bunch of dirty-faced brats. Say, Con," a bit doubtfully, "I wouldn't mind showin' you you ain't goin' to blow it off to the boys, are you?" Conniston swore himself to secrecy and watched Lonesome Pete with twinkling eyes as the cowboy put his hand deep into the inside pocket of his vest the left pocket.

"I thought 'twould be kind of nice, seeing our minister was just married, and so, in a way, this is a wedding reception. I don't know what the rest of you ladies'll think." Abby Daggett stood with clasped hands, her big soft bosom rising and falling in a sort of ecstasy. "Why, Phoebe," she said, "it's a real poem! It couldn't be no han'somer if it had been done right up in heaven!"

The baby, now you've got her cleaned up, is han'somer 'n any baby on the river, 'n' a reg'lar chunk o' sunshine besides. I'd be willin' ter pay her a little suthin' for livin' alongside. The boy well, the boy is a extra-ordinary boy. We got on tergether's slick as if we was twins. That boy's got idees, that's what he's got; 'n' he's likely to grow up into well, 'most anything."