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If this was three or four per cent. for the half-year, the stockholders were delighted, and passed a vote of thanks to those worthy gentlemen for devoting so much valuable time to their interests gratuitously. What if a dividend was not earned? it was easy enough to raise money in Wall Street on the Company's paper, until some excuse could be found for a new issue of bonds or stock.

This made a total of four hundred and sixty pounds, leaving Warburton some couple of hundred for all the expenses of his start. The landlord had consented to do certain repairs, including a repainting of the shop, and this work had already begun. Not a day must be lost. Will knew that the first half-year would decide his fate as a tradesman.

This luminous idea was a great addition to his historical acquirements during this half-year, which were otherwise confined to an epitomized history of the Jews. But the dreary half-year did come to an end. How glad Tom was to see the last yellow leaves fluttering before the cold wind!

The "Te Deum laudamus" was to me more a source of tears than of praise; and the "O be joyful in the Lord" has often made me intensely sorrowful in the school-room. In all honesty, I don't think that, for a whole half-year, I once escaped my Sunday flogging. It came as regularly as the baked rice-puddings.

"But the doctor's wife has one child after another, and then they ask so pleadingly if she can't stay yet another half-year. They think great things of her; she is so reliable with children." "Yes, if it was Pelle, he'd certainly let them fall." Karen laughed it was a creaking laugh. She said nothing more; she never asked to be allowed to go out, and she never complained.

The loss of a shilling a week would not have been much, even though pocket-money from other sources never reached me, but that the other boys all knew it! Every now and again, perhaps three or four times in a half-year, these weekly shillings were given to certain servants of the college, in payment, it may be presumed, for some extra services.

In the second half-year the course ought to be either advanced psychology entering into the more complex phenomena or a practical training course in elementary laboratory psychology as indicated for instance by Titchener's "Experimental Psychology. A Manual of Laboratory Practice."

However, it's no use delaying, so up they go to the study. There they find the Doctor, not angry, but very graver. "He has sent for them to speak to very seriously before they go home. They have each been flogged several times in the half-year for direct and wilful breaches of rules. This cannot go on.

But she is very young; she has never been taught to think on serious subjects; and for the last half-year, nay, for a twelvemonth she has been given up to nothing but amusement and vanity. She has been allowed to dispose of her time in the most idle and frivolous manner, and to adopt any opinions that came in her way.

Meantime I looked up one of his references; and when he came, I engaged him, with the understanding that his time should begin at once. The wage agreed upon was $20 a month for the first half-year.