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Both religious and laymen asked that the image of our blessed Father Ignatius be brought, and thereupon they all, of every rank and age, began to adore it falling on their knees, and kissing it with great devotion, while all the religious chanted the Te Deum laudamus.

Hearten him, enliven him, tone him up to the true hero-pitch. Hush your plaintive Miserere, accept the nation's pain for penance, and commission every Northern breeze to bear a Te Deum laudamus. It fell to me once to read the record of a young life laid early on our country's altar.

But as touching the estimate of men, 'tis strange that, ourselves excepted, no other creature is esteemed beyond its proper qualities; we commend a horse for his strength and sureness of foot, "Volucrem Sic laudamus equum, facili cui plurima palma Fervet, et exsultat rauco victoria circo,"

Little men most of them the bowl of a German pipe inverted would have covered them all, within which, like bees in a hive, they might hum "Te Deum Bismarckum Laudamus." But the romantic flame in the eye is not always so beautiful to feel as to read about.

The Te Deum Laudamus, not the Miserere, is for outbursts of gladness like these. Let it sing of the carriage that surprised the man from his fiddle and the woman from her tears by its thunder in the quiet street.

And at an earlier part of the proceedings he suggested that the parish clerk should read the resolutions, because he had a good 'laudable voice." "A parish clerk ought to have," said the doctor "eh, Father Phil? 'Laudamus!" "Leave your Latin," said Dick, "and tell us that story you promised about the Duke and Tom Loftus." "Right, Misther Dick," said Father Phil.

These words, drawn from him by Rich, were found sufficient to effect the King's pleasure. The aged prelate was pronounced guilty, and beheaded on July 22nd, 1535. On his way to the scaffold he exclaimed, "Feet, do your duty; you have only a short journey," and then, singing the Te Deum laudamus, he placed his head upon the block, and the executioner's axe fell.

So the gossip ran out to tell his news to more attentive ears, and Sandro stood in his place, intoning softly "Te Deum Laudamus." He understood it all. There had been a dark and awful strife earth shuddering as the black shadow of death swept by. Through tears now the sun beamed broad over the gentle city where she lay lapped in her mossy hills.

She had no longer the consolation of the society of her old friend father Michael: the little fat friar of Rubygill was substituted as the castle confessor, not without some misgivings in his ghostly bosom; but he was more allured by the sweet savour of the good things of this world at Arlingford Castle, than deterred by his awe of the lady Matilda, which nevertheless was so excessive, from his recollection of the twang of the bow-string, that he never ventured to find her in the wrong, much less to enjoin any thing in the shape of penance, as was the occasional practice of holy confessors, with or without cause, for the sake of pious discipline, and what was in those days called social order, namely, the preservation of the privileges of the few who happened to have any, at the expense of the swinish multitude who happened to have none, except that of working and being shot at for the benefit of their betters, which is obviously not the meaning of social order in our more enlightened times: let us therefore be grateful to Providence, and sing Te Deum laudamus in chorus with the Holy Alliance.

It did my heart good to see him drink it, and hear the soft ecstatic 'Ah, ah, ah, which broke from him when he put the glass down; it was a Te Deum Laudamus. Having briefly intimated to him that I had no intention of buying 'a handsome granite monument, with suitable inscription, or twelve lines of verse, for £4, 17s. 6d., I took up his packet of In Memoriam cards and went through them.