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Whatever sad, pitying, half-tender thoughts stirred in David as he looked at the mighty form of Saul, with limbs relaxed in slumber, and perhaps some of the gloom and evil passions charmed out of his face, his nephew's only thought was, What a fair mark! what an easy blow! He was brutally eager to strike once, and truculently sure that his arm would make sure that once would be enough.

But, from this earliest note in the ascending scale of superstitious faith, let us pass to a more alarming key. It is the mere fancy, in a mood half-playful, half-tender, which submits to the belief. It is the feeling, the sentiment, which creates the faith; not the faith which creates the feeling.

"I wish, dearest Ghita, I could persuade you to like the name of Yvard," rejoined the young man, in a half-reproachful, half-tender manner, "and I should care nothing for any other.

"It is just like you to suggest such a thing; but it is quite impossible." He opened his eyes and looked at her very steadily and kindly. "Quite?" he said. She bent her head, swiftly lowering her own. "Yes thank you a million times quite." "Even if I promise never to make love to you?" he said, his voice half-quizzical, half-tender. She put out a trembling hand and laid it on his arm.

He paused with a curious, half-tender look in his face. "There was a girl, Jack, good as they're made, I still believe, though not in our station. Well, I meant to marry her thought I was strong enough to defy the system and she, not knowing what manner of life I was meant for, was fond of me." "What manner of life were you meant for?" Jernyngham laughed harshly.

So, while Kinraid and Sylvia kept up their half-tender, half-jesting conversation, Kester was making up his slow persistent mind as to the desirability of the young man then present as a husband for his darling, as much from his being other than Philip in every respect, as from the individual good qualities he possessed.

Meanwhile, the music of the Mass surged round him, in thunders of the organ, wailings of violins, groaning of 'cellos, and flutings of boys' and men's voices, and as the cloudy incense rose upon the air he began to weave strange fancies in his mind, and to see in the beams of sunlight falling through the stained glass windows a vision of the bright face of Sylvie looking down upon him with a half-tender, half-reproving smile, a smile that seemed to say, "If thou lovest me, set the grace of honour on thy love!"

I felt more like wailing over the lost illusion of vague desire, over the sudden conviction that I would never find again near her the strange, half-evil, half-tender sensation which had given its acrid flavour to so many days, which had made her appear tragic and promising, pitiful and provoking. That was all over.

The young wife, attired in a burgher dress, stood with her bewitching eyes and a melancholy, half-tender, half-mournful smile on her lips. Adam was not permitted to enter the studio again until the portrait was completed. When Ulrich at last unveiled the picture, the old man unable longer to control himself burst into loud sobs and fell upon his son's breast.

She blushed, and removed them 'I found them in the closet here, she said, 'and put them on in a freak. What have I else to do? You are always away! 'Always away? Well . . . That evening she had a further talk with the landlady, who might herself have nourished a half-tender regard for the poet, so ready was she to discourse ardently about him. 'You are interested in Mr.