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When Nuño Tobar was degraded, and dismissed from his office as lieutenant-general, a rich, hair-brained Spanish nobleman, by the name of Vasco Porcallo, took his place. He was a gay cavalier, brave even to recklessness, of shallow intellect, but a man who had seen much hard service in the battlefields of those days. He was very rich, residing at Trinidad in Cuba.

It was not she evidently who made of Buckingham a species of paladin without genius; a brilliant adventurer of Charles IV. of Lorraine; of Chalais a hair-brained blunderer, rash enough to commit himself in a conspiracy against Richelieu, on the faith of the faithless Duke d'Orleans; of Châteauneuf, an ambitious statesman, impatient of holding second rank in the Government, without being capable of taking the first.

If I fail in discovering how to recommend myself to him, I shall go back to India, and content myself with leaving him a tolerable fortune. Mrs. C. How ever a hair-brained fellow like you, Walter, could have made such a soldier! Why don't you tell your boy you love him, and have done with it? Col. G. I will, as soon as I have proof to back the assertion. Mrs. C. I tell you it is rank pride. Col.

What a regiment! all the soldiers are mere boys, they say wilful, reckless, hair-brained boys who don't know can't know where they're going. . . . And Curt is so blind without his glasses, and Captain Lent is certainly a little mad, and I'm most distracted myse'f " "Darling darling don't cry!" "Cry? Oh, I could die, Ailsa.

She is advising the youth's flight that way; and he, like a hair-brained fool, will not listen to the suggestion. But it will be well to watch the outlet. Hark ye, Lanyere," he added to the promoter, "take three men with you, and go round quickly to the passage with which yon door communicates. Station yourselves near the outlet; and if Mounchensey comes forth, arrest him instantly.

But truth compels me to admit that East, at any rate, forgot it all in a week, but remembered the insult which had been put upon him by Farmer Thompson, and with the Tadpole and other hair-brained youngsters committed a raid on the barn soon afterwards, in which they were caught by the shepherds and severely handled, besides having to pay eight shillings all the money they had in the world to escape being taken up to the Doctor.

Also, do not suppose that it was my hair-brained performance at our first meeting which attracted my husband's affections; no, often has the color mounted to my face at his reference to that scene, and his own impressions then.

Now he was on the staircase. The heavy street door closed a moment's delay, and his carriage rolled away. Yes, he was off at last. Thank Heaven, he was off! Arabella listened listened until the sound of the wheels had died away; then she laughed. "He thinks me fool enough to share his disgrace! As if I had not long ago foreseen that this was to be the end of that hair-brained fool!

So long as I was at home in my father's house he kept me from doing anything very outrageous, but I was always a creature of impulse, ready to enter into any hair-brained scheme without counting the cost. I never looked a week ahead in my life. It was sufficient for me if the present was endurable, and if the general outlook for the future promised something new.

Yes, Valentine, there he was as tipsy as a coachman with those little hair-brained de S.'s, the eldest simply tipsy as a lord, the young one, George, was drunk, very drunk.