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"But surely you know?" said Dick, with great apparent surprise. "Yes, yes! Ha-ha!" smiting the landlord under the ribs in return. "Why, what? Yes, yes; ha-ha!" "You know, of course!" "Yes, of course! But that is I don't." "Why about between that young lady and me?" nodding to the window of the room that Fancy occupied. "No; not I!" said the innkeeper, bringing his eyes into circles.

His seven sons and daughters, and his cattle, and his calves were restored unto him, but we read nothing of any compensation made him for the jest itself. He was made to play court fool, with his boils and his tortures and his misery, and the gods had their bit of sport gratis. Job had his actual outlay in cattle and offspring refunded, and that was all. Ha-ha! Prometheus!

There is such a turmoil in my head that I couldn't tell where I am going myself. I go where fate takes me. Ha-ha! My dear fellow, have you ever seen a happy fool? No? Well, then, take a look at one. You behold the happiest of mortals! Yes! Don't you see something from my face?" "Well, one can see you're a bit . . . a tiny bit so-so." "I dare say I look awfully stupid just now.

'Now I say ha-ha! continued the painter, with a face expressing that he had not at all tried to be found out as the man possessing incomparably superior knowledge of the poetess. 'I beg pardon really, but don't press me on the matter. Upon my word the secret is not my own. As I was saying, the Colonel said, "Do you know her?" but you don't care to hear? 'We shall be delighted!

On one side of the house the lawn slopes towards the river, divided from a terrace, which forms the most important embellishment of the pleasure-grounds, by that fence to which has been given the ingenious and significant name of "ha-ha!"

Jest throw a scare into them, like?" "Sure, that's all!" "'Cause I wouldn't want to hurt 'em none. They're jest girls, after all." "All we'll do will be just to get around them tents an' start yellin' all at once an' I'll bet they'll come a-runnin'. Ha-ha!" But the laugh was frozen on his lips. As he spoke he looked behind him, warned by a faint sound and his hair rose.

He was comfortably ensconced in the ha-ha, with his back to the sloping side, smoking a cigar, and eagerly engaged in conversation with some youngster from the further side of the county, whom he had never met before, who was also smoking under Bertie's pupilage, and listening with open ears to an account given by his companion of some of the pastimes of the Eastern clime.

"I shan't be any different. So you mustn't expect it." "I never have expected it." "I wonder what the children will say. Now, Arthur, don't go and tell them at dinner while the maid's there. I think I'll fetch them up now." "You'll do nothing of the kind," said Mr. Prohack sharply. "Why not?" "Because I can't stand the strain of telling them to-night. Ha-ha!" He laughed.

"This plaice isn't bad, eh? I ordered turbot, but you never get the fish you order in these Midland towns. It always ends in my having plaice, which is good for the soul! Ha-ha! I hate the Irish myself. This school of which I am the chief trustee was intended to be a Catholic reformatory. That idea fell through, and now my notion is to turn it into a decent school run by secular clergy.

She turned to him and said, "Yes, Clym, I'll speak to you. Why do you return so early? Can I do anything for you?" "Yes, you can listen to me. It seems that my wife is not very well?" "Why?" "Your face, my dear; your face. Or perhaps it is the pale morning light which takes your colour away? Now I am going to reveal a secret to you. Ha-ha!" "O, that is ghastly!" "What?" "Your laugh."