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Opposite there, behind the counter of which his superior stature, his whiter apron, his more clustering curls and more present, too present, h's had been for a couple of years the principal ornament, he had moved to and fro before her as on the small sanded floor of their contracted future. She was conscious now of the improvement of not having to take her present and her future at once.

"Waz ye wantin' me faather?" As the reader is aware this little person never lacked speech. "H's away! H's gone t' th' citie for th' throuble that's comin' on about th' mine, y' onderstand? He's wan o' th' men t' be on hand if there's throuble." "Are you one of the new settlers'?" "Yes, sor! M' name's Meestress Leezie O'Finnigan!

When James, Sr. came forward to be listed for passage, the official said: "Oh, hang your O's. I have more of them now than the column will hold. I'll have to put you in the H's, where there's lots of room." And so the weight of all the Empire was behind the change. James Hartigan, Sr. was a typical Irish "bhoy," which is high praise. He was broad and hearty, with a broad and hearty grin.

Who will be spokes-woman? Then all the girls said I must be because I was the first girl in the class and sounded all my h's, and when the Head Mistress came into the room I up and curtseyed and asked her if we could have a holiday this afternoon on account of the beautiful sunshine.

He was a nice, clean old man, but he dropped his h's, and that was where he spoiled himself or perhaps it was just this that threw me off my guard, for I had always heard that the Prince of Darkness was a perfect gentleman. He whispered to me that in the winter the monks of St. Bernard sometimes say matins overnight.

Now I have a scheme to prove, that, as terrestrial objects were thus appealed to for ascertaining submarine measurement, so it must be supposed that the productions of the water were established as gauges of the extent of land. Shathmont salmont you see the close alliance of the sounds; dropping out two h's, and a t, and assuming an l, makes the whole difference I wish to heaven no antiquarian derivation had demanded heavier concessions."

Yet a lot of mothers turn over the children, along with the horses and dogs, to be fed and broken by the servants, and then wonder from which side of the family Isobel inherited her weak stomach, and where she picked up her naughty ways, and why she drops the h's from some words and pronounces others with a brogue.

Take some trouble to improve and educate, or get rid of, if possible, your generally vulgar, illiterate, ill-conditioned clerk; insist upon his v's and h's: let him shut up his shoe-stall; and raise in the scale of society one of the leaders of its worship: as, at present, these stagnant, recreant, ignorant clerks are sad stumbling-blocks; no help to the congregation, and a nuisance to its minister.

John Thresher wagered I would be a man before either of them reached that goal. But whenever he spoke he suffered correction on account of his English. 'More than his eating and his drinking, that child's father worrits about his learning to speak the language of a British gentleman, Mrs. Waddy exclaimed. 'Before that child your h's must be like the panting of an engine to please his father.

A pretty sound it is on the staircase to hear 'Mr. and Mrs. 'Odge and Miss 'Odges' pronounced by Billiter, who always leaves his h's out. No, no: see attorneys at your chambers, my dear but what could the poor creatures do in OUR society?" And so, one by one, Timmins's old friends were tried and eliminated by Mrs.