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With Del Norte dead and gone I fancy you thought your troubles ended. Me boy, you were wrong. Although you did not know it, old Guerrero was not the only one who obtained concessions in Eastern Sonora." "What's the man driving at?" growled Scott. "Is he here with another cock-and-bull story about land grants?" "It's no cock-and-bull story you'll find it," asserted the Irishman.

When I was last in the capital, Santa Anna was reigning supreme in the vice-royal palace, and Alvarez was supreme at Iztla, the capital of the Department of Guerrero, of which Acapulco is the sea-port town. The two chiefs had been long hostile to each other, but a gold mine, discovered upon the bank of the River Mescala, was "the straw that broke the camel's back."

Gómez Pedraza, the president whom Guerrero had deposed, was restored to fill out his own term; then, in 1833, Santa Anna was elected, but retired to his estate, leaving the vice-president Gómez Farías in power. He, like Gómez Pedraza, attempted reforms directed chiefly against the Church and the army, with the backing of the Federalist majority in Congress.

As a reward for Indian campaign services Huerta was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general. In Mexico's centennial year of 1910, when Francisco Madero rose in the north, and other parts of the Republic gave signs of disaffection, General Huerta was ordered south to take charge of all the detached Government force in the mountainous State of Guerrero.

On the night of January 3d, 1832, the garrison of Vera Cruz pronounced against the usurping government of Bustamente, which was then suffering dreadfully from the want of funds. A delegation was sent the same night to Santa Anna, who had been in retirement at his estate of Manga de Clavo since the murder of his friend, President Guerrero.

We have examined sufficiently the social condition of Mexico to show that there is no natural sympathy between the whites and the colored races, or the governing and governed races of Mexico. For a brief period, indeed, Guerrero, a man of Indian descent, occupied the presidency; but he was deposed and murdered, and the government has ever since been in the hands of the whites.

"'I would do it, with great pleasure. "'But are you going to be here for some time? "'Yes, it is probable. "He asked me what I came to Castro Duro for, and I told him that I had no other object than to visit Don Calixto Garcia Guerrero. "Astonishment on the priest's face. "'You know him? "'Yes, I met him in Rome. "'Do you know where he lives? "'No. "'Then I will take you.

Unfortunately, these one-act plays have destroyed the legitimate drama. Whereas Maria Guerrero, that charming actress, will have a run of twenty nights in a new play by Echegaray, a popular zarzuela will be acted hundreds of times in every town in Spain.

In particular, the school of religious music in Spain, thanks to Morales, Guerrero, and Victoria, will bear comparison with all that has been produced elsewhere of the highest and most cultivated description.

Almost simultaneously with his arrival in Chilpancingo, the capital of the State of Guerrero, almost the whole south of Mexico rose in rebellion. The military situation there was soon found to be so hopeless that Huerta was recalled to Mexico City.