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The goodwife told us, that "the gudeman had been at the hill;" and well for us that he had been so, for we enjoyed the produce of his chasse in the shape of some broiled moor-game, a dish which gallantly eked out the ewe-milk cheese, dried salmon, and oaten bread, being all besides that the house afforded.

Madge, however, escaped from her mother at the door, ran back to the foot of the table, dropped a very low and fantastic courtesy to the judge, and said, with a giggling laugh, "Our minnie's sair mis-set, after her ordinar, sir She'll hae had some quarrel wi' her auld gudeman that's Satan, ye ken, sirs."

By which I discernt, that he had purposely egget her on to urge her gudeman to take the moors for the advantage of me.

"It's my gudeman, sir," said the young woman, with a smile of welcome. "Will you alight, sir, and come into our puir dwelling? Cuddie, Cuddie," a white-headed rogue of four years appeared at the door of the hut "rin awa, my bonny man, and tell your father a gentleman wants him. Or, stay, Jenny, ye'll hae mair sense: rin ye awa and tell him; he's down at the Four-acres Park.

The good woman abridged the period of hesitation by inquiring, "Was ye wanting the gudeman or me, lass?" "I wanted to speak with Mr. Butler, if he's at leisure," replied Jeanie. "Gang in by then, my woman," answered the goodwife; and opening the door of a room, she announced the additional visitor with, "Mr. Butler, here's a lass wants to speak t'ye."

At length she pulled out a small chip-box, and opening it, took out a handsome ring, in which was set a braid of hair, composed of two different colours, black and light brown, twined together, encircled with brilliants of considerable value. "Gudeman," she said to Ochiltree, "as ye wad e'er deserve mercy, ye maun gang my errand to the house of Glenallan, and ask for the Earl."

We discussed, among other trades and professions, a lawyer's advocatt, a preaching minister, a doctor, a sweep, a rowley-powley man, a penny-pie-man, a man-cook, that easiest of all lives, a gentleman's gentleman; but in the end Nanse, when I suggested a barber, gave a mournful look and said in a state of Christian resignation, "Tak' your ain way, gudeman."

The raptures of the faithful old creature at seeing Jeanie were equal to her own, as she hastened to assure her, "that baith the gudeman and the beasts had been as weel seen after as she possibly could contrive." Separating her from the rest of the company, May then hurried her young mistress to the offices, that she might receive the compliments she expected for her care of the cows.

"The what? the who? woman!" said Deans, with a sternness far beyond his usual gravity, as soon as these offensive words had struck upon the tympanum of his ear. "Eh, guide us!" said the poor woman; "I had forgot what an ill will ye had aye at the Paip, and sae had my puir gudeman, Stephen Butler.

The King looked at him for a moment, and then roared out "Weel, gudeman, your commencement is pertinent and true enough; and though we be 'the greatest of mortals, as ye style us, dinna fash yoursel' about our grandeur, but go on, as if we were nae better nor wiser than your ain simple sel'." But, instead of encouraging the dumbfounded deity, this speech completely upset him.