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But they will hae little enough law amang them by and by, and that is ae grand reason that I hae gi'en them gude-day." I was highly provoked at the achievement of Andrew, and considered it as a hard fate, which a second time threw me into collision with a person of such irregular practices.

"I hae kend a minister wad be fair gude-day and fair gude-e'en wi' ilka man in the parochine, and hing just as quiet as a rocket on a stick, till ye mentioned the word abjuration-oath, or patronage, or siclike, and then, whiz, he was off, and up in the air an hundred miles beyond common manners, common sense, and common comprehension."

Himself commented on the difference, and bid me be more of my age, and make friends with my young comrades. I told him I was slow of making friends. "I will take the word back," said he. "But there is such a thing as Fair gude-e'en and fair gude-day, Mr. David.

Why, I have smacked calf-skin * fifty times in England for a keg of brandy." * The gallows. Swearing. * Kissed the book. "Never speak mair o't," said the prisoner. "It's just as weel as it is and gude-day, sister; ye keep Mr. Ratcliffe waiting on Ye'll come back and see me, I reckon, before" here she stopped and became deadly pale.

But they will hae little enough law amang them by and by, and that is ae grand reason that I hae gi'en them gude-day." I was highly provoked at the achievement of Andrew, and considered it as a hard fate, which a second time threw me into collision with a person of such irregular practices.

"Ay, lass," said her sister, "that's lightly said, but no sae lightly credited frae ane that winna ware a word for me; and if it be a wrang word, ye'll hae time enough to repent o' 't." "But that word is a grievous sin." "Well, weel, Jeannie, never speak mair o' 't," said the prisoner. "It's as weel as it is. And gude-day, sister. Ye keep Mr. Ratcliffe waiting on.

Gude-day wi' ye i' the noo than! Imphm! Gude-day. See an' gie's a cry in on Munanday, noo-na. Ta-ta! Sin' Friday nicht I've been gaen aboot wi' my hert an' moo fu' o' musik! Eh, hoo I did enjoy yon Gleeka Koir's singin'. I hinna heard onything like it for mony a day. D'ye ken, fine musik juist affeks me like a gude preechin' an' waur whiles. I canna help frae thinkin' aboot it.

Why, I have smacked calf-skin * fifty times in England for a keg of brandy." * The gallows. Swearing. * Kissed the book. "Never speak mair o't," said the prisoner. "It's just as weel as it is and gude-day, sister; ye keep Mr. Ratcliffe waiting on Ye'll come back and see me, I reckon, before" here she stopped and became deadly pale.

"I hae kend a minister wad be fair gude-day and fair gude-e'en wi' ilka man in the parochine, and hing just as quiet as a rocket on a stick, till ye mentioned the word abjuration-oath, or patronage, or siclike, and then, whiz, he was off, and up in the air an hundred miles beyond common manners, common sense, and common comprehension."