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Thy grandad afore thee went to Dunham: but thou wert always a slow coach. I'm off to Alderley, me and my missis." "Ay, that's because there's only thee and thy missis. Wait till thou hast gotten four childer, like me, and thou'lt be glad enough to take 'em to Dunham, oud-fashioned way, for fourpence apiece."

"Not nasty tired like I am after lessons?" "No, not nasty tired." "Are you tired, Grandad?" "Yes," said Ishmael. "Nice tired or nasty tired?" "Nice tired," said Ishmael; "old men and little boys both go nice tired."

Draw a cheer. Sit ye down." A clamor of welcome fills the place. Harriet and I are put to warm before the blaze. Grandad takes Frank upon his knee and the cutting wind of the gray outside world is forgotten. This house in which the McClintocks were living at this time, belonged to a rented farm.

"I wanted to see you," said Stumpy, after he had accepted his companion's explanation. "What for?" "That old hunks had gone and done it!" added Stumpy, whose chief emotion seemed to be a violent indignation. "What old hunks?" "Why, grandad." "What has he done?"

What things Grandad has given me! And yours they say is the richest of the Russians. His orderly says they have serfs of their own. Maryanka raised herself, and after thinking a moment, smiled. 'Do you know what he once told me: the lodger I mean? she said, biting a bit of grass. 'He said, "I'd like to be Lukashka the Cossack, or your brother Lazutka ." What do you think he meant?

'They've sent three of the devils to us, said one of the women. 'Grandad went to the village Elders, but they say nothing can be done. 'Ah, ha! Have you met with trouble? said Ergushov. 'I expect they have smoked you out with their tobacco? asked another woman. 'Smoke as much as you like in the yard, I say, but we won't allow it inside the hut. Not if the Elder himself comes, I won't allow it.

"Well, Dick," Grandad began, "so ye're plannin' to go west, air ye?" "Yes, as soon as I get all my grain and hogs marketed I'm going to pull out for my new farm over in Iowa." "Ye'd better stick to the old coulee," warned my grandfather, a touch of sadness in his voice. "Ye'll find none better." My father was disposed to resent this.

Davenport is a willing body, and one who knows sorrow and sickness, and I can pay her for her time, and keep her there pretty near altogether. So let that be settled. And you take Mrs. Wilson, dear grandad, and let Mary go find Will, and you can all meet together at after, and I'm sure I wish you luck."

Grandad, shaking with laughter at this "deep little wench," slowly transferred his stick to his left hand, which held the gate open, and slowly thrust his finger into the waistcoat pocket on which Totty had fixed her eyes with a confident look of expectation.

A boyish voice said with playful bullying sharpness, above the growling, irregular pulsation of the engine "Here, grandad, you've got to put this on." "Have I?" demanded uncertainly the thick, heavy voice of the old man. "Yes, you have on the top of your other coat. If I don't look after you I shall get myself into a row!... Here, let me put your fist in the armhole.