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"Camp now. Beside de cut-bank here. Dem hoss she got for res' queek or, ba Goss, she die." Tex felt his own horse tremble and he knew the half-breed's words were true. With an oath he swung into the sheltered angle of the cut-bank along which they were travelling.

Henderson sent her instead a column from The Planet devoted to a description of his private library. Mr. Goss, the editor, who was college bred, had been round to talk with Henderson about the Southwest trip, and the conversation drifting into other matters, Henderson had taken from his desk and shown him a rare old book which he had picked up the day before in a second-hand shop.

She was associated in my mind with numerous solemn occasions, and I was surprised to find that on this day she unexpectedly developed a trait of breaking into nervous laughter. I had got as far as "Should the base plebeian rabble " when Miss Goss broke down in what I could not but regard as a fit of giggles, and I ceased abruptly.

This caused Mumps and Goss to withdraw, and she was left alone again with Mrs. Goss. "Where are we now?" she asked at length. "We are approaching New York," was the answer. "And that man, what of him?" "Oh, he didn't come an board." It was night when the Flyaway came to a landing near the upper portion of the metropolis. The boys and Bill Goss went ashore, leaving Dora in Mrs. Goss' care.

They ought to go separate, with a driver for every span. This must be a lesson for the future." "It is an ill wind that blows no one any good," says the proverb. Our disaster proved a bonanza to old Tommy Goss; he set his traps there all winter, near the frozen bodies of the horses, and caught marten, fishers, mink, "lucivees," and foxes by the dozen.

The officers of the Second Rhodesians had seen nothing more of Tarzan of the Apes since he had slain Underlieutenant von Goss and disappeared toward the very heart of the German position, and there were those among them who believed that he had been killed within the enemy lines. "They may have killed him," assented Colonel Capell; "but I fancy they never captured the beggar alive."

Runty Goss then opened them one by one, our troops entered, and the victorious standard of my country floated on the walls of Allyghur! When the General, accompanied by his staff; entered the last line of fortifications, the brave old man raised me from the dead rhinoceros on which I was seated, and pressed me to his breast.

"It was the Falcon, a yacht owned by a Mr. Fenwick. His son and a man he called Bill Goss were aboard." At this Martin Harris drew down his mouth. "A bad set, those. I know 'em well." "And we know, Fenwick, too," put in Dick, "He's a regular sneak." "That's right takes after his father, who did his best to defraud me in a boat deal.

We started at daybreak, and expected, if all went well, to reach the first of the two lumber camps by nine o'clock that evening. We had a passenger with us an eccentric old hunter named Tommy Goss, with his traps and gun. He had come to the farm the previous night, on his way up to his trapping grounds beyond the logging camps, and as his pack was heavy, he was glad of a lift on the scoot.

A message was despatched to them, and mesdames Adelaide and Sophie, after having a long conference with him, by his advice, summoned the bishops of Meaux, Goss, and de Senlis, and held a species of council, in which it was unanimously agreed that nothing ought to prevent their entering upon an explanation with the king, and offering him spiritual succour.