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"How much were you paid there?" "Seven dollars a week." "Very well, we will start you on that salary, and see if you earn it." Rodney was surprised and relieved to find that he was not asked for a recommendation from Mr. Goodnow, knowing that he could not obtain one. He went to work on a Monday morning, and found his duties congenial and satisfactory.

But Yuan Shih-kai's first care after that coup d'état had been to promulgate with the assistance of Dr. Goodnow and others, a bogus Law, resting on no other sanction than his personal volition, with an elaborate flummery about three candidates whose names were to be deposited in the gold box in the Stone House in the gardens of the Palace.

GOODNOW: City Government in the United States, pages 69-108. SHAW: Municipal Government in Continental Europe, pages 1-145. 278. =The Fact of Misery.= A brief study of the conditions in which a city's toilers live and work and play makes it plain that the people have to contend with numerous difficulties.

"I don't see how any one could steal the articles without being detected." "It seems they are detected." "Did did Mr. Goodnow mention any names?" "No. He wants to watch and find out the thief. I wish you to help me, though I am acting against instructions. Mr. Goodnow asked me to take no one into my confidence. You will see, therefore, that it will be necessary for you to say nothing."

GOODNOW: City Government in the United States, pages 302-308. ELDRIDGE: Problems of Community Life, pages 3-7. ELY: The Coming City. Boston Directory of Charities, 1914. 314. =Questions of the Larger Group.= In any study of social life we have to find a place for larger groups than the family and the neighborhood or even the city.

"You can spare it better than you can spare your situation." "What do you mean by that?" asked Jasper, growing nervous. "I'll tell you what I mean. How long do you think you would stay in the store if Mr. Goodnow knew that you were concerned in the theft from which he has suffered?" "Was I the only one?" "No; I am equally guilty." "I am glad you acknowledge it.

Listen and I will tell you how I think I can turn this thing to my advantage." "Go ahead!" "There is a boy who stands between me and promotion," continued Jasper, speaking in a low tone. "The boy you mentioned the other day?" "Yes, Rodney Ropes. Mr. Goodnow got him from I don't know where, and has taken a ridiculous fancy to him.

Goodnow had by special arrangement returned to Peking at the psychological moment; for having kicked his heels during many weary months in the capital, he had been permitted in 1914 to take up the appointment of President of an American University on condition that he would be available for legal "advice" whenever wanted.

His responsibility, however, was very great; for the keynote of all this scheme, according to Dr. Goodnow , was "centralization of power," a parrot-like phrase which has deluded better men than ever came to China and which save as a method necessary during a state of war should have no place in modern politics. But it was precisely this which appealed to Yuan Shih-kai.

James Redwood did not deign a reply. "I am sorry you leave us under such circumstances, Ropes," he said. "The time may come when you will be able to establish your innocence, and in that case Mr. Goodnow will probably take you back again." Rodney did not answer, but with his order went to the cashier's desk and received the four dollars due him.