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Flora led the way past the stables, and down a broad path which led to the negro quarters. The ponies went at a slow pace, as Flora wanted to be sure that Sylvia was not afraid, and that she was enjoying her first ride. "The corn-shucking will be here," she said, pointing with her pretty gold-mounted whip to a number of corn-cribs.

With a plump, dimpled hand, she held before her myopic eyes a pair of gold-mounted glasses; and she was speaking to a man of rather stern aspect, with a Slav physiognomy, a large head, crowned with a mass of crinkly hair as white as lamb's wool, a long, white moustache, and shoulders as broad as an ox; a man already old, but with the robust strength of an oak.

He had felled one of the two apaches with his heavy gold-mounted stick; the other one had sent through the fur-lined coat a knife-thrust which had grazed his ribs. Matheson had beaten him off, and had then continued his path to the Basilique. But the attack had brought a vivid inspiration for the solution of his personal problem.

He found a small hotel for the night, and next morning at ten o'clock he was at the office of the Europe Chronicle, an important daily paper published simultaneously in Paris, Frankfort, and Florence. Martin came out from the news room into the adjoining ante-room with a slip of "flimsy" in his hand. "Was your man hefty with the shillelagh?" he asked. "He carried a big, gold-mounted stick."

Baring had gone to the expense of having a door broken through the partition for the girls' use during the voyage. If Elsie had not already given way to tears she must have faltered now at the sight of her friend's belongings strewed in confusion over the floor, chairs, dressing-table, and bed. Isobel possessed a gold-mounted dressing-case the size of an ordinary portmanteau.

One of her sisters betrayed the secret to her father, who then eagerly lent his ears to hear what was said of the new novel, and the first opinion which saluted his delighted ears was the voice of Johnson energetically recommending it to the perusal of Mrs Thrale. At parting, Rogers gave me a gold-mounted pair of glasses, which I will not part with in a hurry.

On my interposing, he placed a gold-mounted glass in his eye, and, with a degress of rudeness which I have never seen equalled in a navvies' camp, stared straight in my face till I had done speaking. Then the lens dropped from his eye, and he turned to his companion. "Who is this person, Montgomery?" he asked. The squatter looked plainly displeased.

"Ben, I've lost something." "Bless us an' save us, no!" "Yes, I have. Something very valuable. It's been stolen." "You don't mean it!" "But I do! Some manuscript out of the summer-house yonder." "And her gold-mounted fountain pen," added Tom. "That would tempt somebody." "My goodness!" Ben could express his simple wonderment in a variety of phrases.

This told Mavis what straitened circumstances her lover was in. He asked what she had done with the gold-mounted dressing case, and, if it were still in her possession, if she could possibly let him have the loan of it in order to weather an impending financial storm.

The drinking was of like sumptuous character, and Rhenish wine contended with the wines of sunny France for precedence, as they were passed round in silver cups and gold-mounted horns; for glass was seldom, if ever, used for such purposes then.