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But to my mind the death of Colonel Gaylord was but the climax of the long series of events which commenced on the night of my arrival with the slight and ludicrous episode of the stolen roast chicken. I had been convinced at the time that Mose was at the bottom of it, and I was convinced now that he was also at the bottom of the robbery and the murder.

"Take them from here, you know, and stay overnight at hotels around. I've always wanted to do that; and we can now, dear." "Auto trips! Pooh!" shrugged Elizabeth. "Why, mumsey, we're going to the shore for July, and to the mountains for August. You and daddy and I. And Fred's going, too, only he'll be at the Gaylord camp in the Adirondacks, part of the time." "Is that true, Fred?"

"Yes, it's me," said Euphrasia; "I've been to market, and I had a notion to see you before I went home." Mr. Gaylord took the office-boy lightly by the collar of his coat and lifted him, sprinkling can and all, out of the doorway and closed the door. Then he drew his revolving chair close to Euphrasia, and sat down.

Smith went. But, as had occurred once or twice before, Mr. Smith's face, as he followed her, was a study. Christmas saw many changes in the Blaisdell families. The James Blaisdells had moved into the big house near the Gaylord place. Mrs. Hattie had installed two maids in the kitchen, bought a handsome touring car, and engaged an imposing-looking chauffeur.

Donnelly's theory of accounting for the widely scattered deposits of the drift formation is the most reasonable and logical of anything I have ever read or heard. Doubtless, in course of time, it may be proven the only true one. I see Mr. Gaylord and Mrs.

How much does she wish me to know?" A few days after his first meeting with Katharine Gaylord, he had cabled his brother to write her. He had merely said that she was mortally ill; he could depend on Adriance to say the right thing that was a part of his gift. Adriance always said not only the right thing, but the opportune, graceful, exquisite thing.

To which Lady Sherwood returned quickly. "Oh, no, that would have been impossible with " "Come come this way I must show you the view from the arbor," Miss Gaylord broke in breathlessly; and laying a hand on his arm, she turned abruptly into a side path. Glancing down at her the Southerner could not but note the panic and distress in her fair face.

As for his relations with Squire Gaylord, he flattened public conjecture out like a pancake, as he told Marcia, by making the old gentleman walk arm-and-arm with him the whole length of the village street the morning after his arrival. "And I never saw your honored father look as if he enjoyed a thing less," added Bartley. "Well, what's the use? He couldn't help himself."

"Well," I replied, also smiling, and not to be outdone in the directness of my thrust, "I have told a few of my friends that I thought Mr. Gaylord would represent us better in Congress than you have done." Boom! the fight is on! "You are a Republican, aren't you, Mr. Grayson?" It was the inevitable next stroke.

I saw some, and I heard more. It's just as I feared. He's got in with Gaylord and the rest of his set at college, and they're a bad lot drinking, gambling no good." "But Fred wouldn't gamble, Mr. Smith! Oh, Fred wouldn't do that. And he's so ambitious to get ahead! Surely he'd know he couldn't get anywhere in his studies, if if he drank and gambled!" "It would seem so." "Did you see his father?