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Still further, and opposite a schoolhouse, a road strikes off toward the south, and here is the entrance to Wildercliff. The Rev. Freeborn Garrettson, being invited to Rhinebeck to preach, met Catherine Livingston while there, and in 1793 they were married.

Returning toward the Post Road the highway passes through the Camp Meeting Woods, where the Rev. Mr. Garrettson inaugurated those camp meetings which have made this spot as sacred to the Methodist heart as is Wildercliff itself. In the angle formed by the return road and the Post Road is an extensive estate Grasmere which was planned and begun by Gen.

Secondly, practically all of the skilled trades unions require candidates for membership to prove their competency or be vouched for as competent by members who have worked with them. D. A. McCabe, "The Standard Rate in American Trade Unions," page 105. Report signed by Commissioners Manly, Walsh, Lennon, O'Connell, and Garrettson. Vol. A. C. Pigou, "Economics of Welfare," page 441.

Harrington Emerson at the National Conference of the "Society of Industrial Engineers and Western Efficiency Society" on labor problems. G. D. H. Cole, "The Payment of Wages," page 67. Report signed by Commissioners Manly, Walsh, Lennon, O'Connell, and Garrettson the section on scientific management stated to be based on an investigation conducted by Frey, Valentine, and Hoxie, page 128, Vol.

Garrettson and Hews, who have thus tried it, tell me it takes one-half to three-fourths less, and the after effects are far less nauseating and unpleasant.

Garrettson was educated in the Church of England, but left it to become a Methodist; a man of strong personality, he soon rose to a prominent place in the church. Being a native of Maryland, he was naturally a slave owner, but becoming convinced that slavery was bad, he set his blacks free. Wildercliff was the most noted gathering place in the country for Methodists, and the house was always full.