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The praetor Quintus Arrius, a lieutenant of the consul Lucius Gellius, actually succeeded in seizing and destroying at Mount Garganus in Apulia the Celtic band, which under Crixus had separated from the mass of the robber-army and was levying contributions at its own hand.

On the east coast the plain of Apulia, shut in towards the north by the mountain-block of the Abruzzi and only broken by the steep isolated ridge of Garganus, stretches in a uniform level with but a scanty development of coast and stream.

S. Francis begins his Third Order of Penance Draws up the rule for it What his idea was in founding this Order He returns to S. Mary of the Angels Sends Agnes, the sister of Clare, to Florence, to be Abbess there He obtains from Jesus Christ the Indulgence of S. Mary of the Angels or of the Portiuncula Pope Honorius III. grants him the same indulgence Clare and others, hearing him talk of God, are ravished in ecstasy He cannot bear the distinction of persons which Brother Elias made Makes a terrible prediction He gives his blessings to seven of his brethren, to go and preach the faith to the Moors, and they are martyred He makes a journey, which is attended with remarkable circumstances Cures a cripple Mixes with the poor, and eats with them Foretells of an infant, that he would one day be Pope He changes the bed of thorns into which S. Benedict had thrown himself, into a rose-bush, and performs other great miracles Goes to honor the relics of S. Andrew, and those of S. Nicholas Discovers a trick of the devil He visits Mount Garganus His presence silences a demoniac He learns at S. Mary of the Angels the success of the German mission Bids Antony preach Gives Antony permission to teach theology to the brethren Alexander Hales enters the Order Jesus Christ appoints the day for the Indulgence of the Portiuncula He obtains from the Pope a confirmation of the same day Promulgates it, with seven bishops He has a revelation about his Rule God makes known to him that he must abridge it The Holy Spirit dictates it to him Some entreat him to moderate it Jesus Christ tells him it must be kept to the very letter His brethren receive it He declares it comes from Jesus Christ, and speaks in praise of it He obtains a bull from the Pope, in confirmation of the Rule Is attacked by devils Celebrates the feast of Christmas with much fervor Our Lord appears to him as an infant His sentiments on the celebration of feasts Discovers a stratagem of the devil He commands one of his dead brethren to cease working miracles Draws up a rule for Clare and her daughters Appears with his arms stretched out in the form of a cross while S. Antony was preaching Foretells a conversion which immediately came about He goes into retreat on Mount Alvernus His contemplation and raptures Jesus Christ promises him special favors He fasts rigorously A piece of his writing delivers his companion from a temptation What he had to suffer from the devil He prepares for martyrdom He receives extraordinary favors in prayer His perfect conformity to the will of God Jesus Christ crucified appears to him under the figure of a Seraphim Receives the impression of the wounds of Jesus Christ He composes canticles full of the love of God Tells his brethren of the Stigmata They are seen and touched He leaves Mount Alvernus, to return to S. Mary of the Angels Cures a child of dropsy Other miracles which he performed on the way He strengthens himself with new fervor in the service of God His patience in great sufferings His desires for the salvation of souls His prayer in suffering God assures him of his salvation He thanks Him in a canticle He learns the time of his death, and rejoices at it He has various illnesses, and suffers extreme pain He multiplies the grapes in a vineyard God gives him sensible consolation A heated iron is applied to the temple, and he feels no pain from it He weeps incessantly, and says he does so to expiate for his sins He prefers the danger of losing his sight to restraining his tears His gratitude towards his physician A miracle is worked by some of his hair, in favor of this physician He miraculously heals a canon His sufferings diminish Goes to preach Drives away a devil Foretells a sudden death, and it comes about Cures St.

We could do with more of these sensible and humane reflections, but unfortunately he is generally too "pressed for time" to indulge in them. That mania of hustling through the country.... One morning he finds himself at Foggia, with the intention of visiting Mons Garganus. First of all he must "satisfy his curiosity" about Arpi; it is ten miles there and back.

The praetor Quintus Arrius, a lieutenant of the consul Lucius Gellius, actually succeeded in seizing and destroying at Mount Garganus in Apulia the Celtic band, which under Crixus had separated from the mass of the robber-army and was levying contributions at its own hand.

But the true mandrake is a clean and wholesome plant. The true ointment Populeon should have the juice of the leaves in it; and the root boiled and strained causes drowsiness. It hath a predominate cold faculty, Galen saith; but its true home is not in England at all. It comes from Mount Garganus in Apulia."

North Italy had been reoccupied by the Romans after the departure of Hannibal, and was protected by three legions, two of which were stationed in the Celtic territory, the third as a reserve in Picenum. Lower Italy, as far as Mount Garganus and the Volturnus, was, with the exception of the fortresses and most of the ports, in the hands of Hannibal.

Hannibal, who commanded the southern part of the peninsula as far up as the Volturnus and Garganus, and who could not simply abandon these lands again as he had abandoned that of the Celts, had now likewise a frontier to protect, which could not be left uncovered with impunity; and for the purpose of defending the districts that he had gained against the fortresses which everywhere defied him and the armies advancing from the north, and at the same time of resuming the difficult offensive against central Italy, his forces an army of about 40,000 men, without reckoning the Italian contingents were far from sufficient.

The emperor won the victory, but received a mortal wound. Another story, which does not trouble itself to sail very close to the commonplace, relates that Otho met his end by being whipped to death on Mount Garganus by the angels, among whom he had imprudently ventured while they were holding a conclave there.

For what voices are able to overbear the din with which our theatres resound? You would think the groves of Garganus, or the Tuscan Sea, was roaring; with so great noise are viewed the shows and contrivances, and foreign riches: with which the actor being daubed over, as soon as he appears upon the stage, each right hand encounters with the left. Has he said any thing yet? Nothing at all.