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All was bold and telling in the manner, and yet the manner was reticent with nature and fine with well-bred continence. With the throne scene began the spiritual conflict. At least it then began to be disclosed; and from that moment onward the state of Richard was seen to be that of Orestes pursued by the furies.

Mars, Nemesis, and Ate, Pluto, Rhadamanthus, and Minos, the Fates and the Furies, together with Charon, Calumnia, Bellona, and all such objectionable divinities, were requested to disappear for ever from the Low Countries; while in their stead were confidently invoked Jupiter, Apollo, Triptolemus, and last, though not least, Rhetorica.

And in this part, among those falling fragments of buildings, stands the fireplace of the room, which, when there is a fire in it, makes it appear as if the Giants are burning, for Pluto is painted there, flying towards the centre with his chariot drawn by lean horses, and accompanied by the Furies of Hell; and thus Giulio, not departing from the subject of the story with this invention of the fire, made a most beautiful adornment for the fireplace.

Grim had cheerfully compared Miss Hilda to the queenly Juno, and said that if she would give Biffen's her protection, the house would give the other houses "fits" when the housers came round again; then he put in something about her hair, unconsciously cribbed from Ovid; and something about her walk this I tracked to Horace; and wound up the whole farrago by saying he was ready to be her door-mat and to shield her from the furies, etc., which, I think, Grim genuinely evolved out of his own effervescing breast.

And I will say she hath borne much for the Prince's sake, and with good sense let my Lady Mary Coke and all the Furies say what they will. But think of it think of it! for indeed 't is scarce credible. Here's Maria No-name the milliner's base-born daughter to be Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, Princess of Great Britain! Was ever human fate so surprising?

I have need of them. Let them come hither. Later, cast them from the battlements or how many priests have ye on hand?" "The day's results are meagre, good my lord. An abbot and a dozen beggarly friars is all we have." "Hell and furies! Is the estate going to seed? Send hither the mountebanks. Afterward, broil them with the priests." The robed and close-cowled harlequins entered.

And now I'm in flight pursued by furies of my own invoking threatened with love in its most hideous form matrimony! Any woman I now look upon may be my intended bride for all I know," he continued, turning into the semiprivate driveway, bordered heavily by lilacs; "and the curious thing about it is that I really don't care; in fact, the excitement is mildly pleasing."

"The Pleasures of Oblivion." The poet apparently is fond of his subject. 'And is, I have no doubt, equal to it. Hast any prose? 'An historical novel or so. 'Oh! if you mean those things as full of costume as a fancy ball, and almost as devoid of sense, I'll have none of them. Close the curtains; even visions of the Furies are preferable to these insipidities.

The spirit of this religion if such it can be called is not so much adoration of a Being supreme and beneficent, as a tax to certain malignant furies a propitiation, in fact, to prevent them bringing evil on the land, and to insure a fruitful harvest.

When he tried to rouse her she burst into fury and collapsed in stupor. The furies and the stupors were worse than he had ever known. They would have been unendurable if it had not been for Winny. And in the long days when Winny was not there he was always afraid of what might happen to the children. He had safeguarded them as far as possible.