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SERGEANT. Peace, my good fellows! a kiss goes free. Enter Miners, and play a waltz at first slowly, and afterwards quicker. The first Yager dances with the girl, the Sutler-woman with the recruit. The girl springs away, and the Yager, pursuing her, seizes hold of a Capuchin Friar just entering. CAPUCHIN. Hurrah! halloo! tol, lol, de rol, le! The fun's at its height! I'll not be away!

Fun's fun, I know, but nobody wants to go home with half his scalp hanging over one eye, and dripping all over the back porch. Because, you know, a fellow's mother gets crosser about blood on wood-work than anything else. Scrubbing doesn't do the least bit of good; it has to be planed off, or else painted. Let me see, now. Have I missed anything? I'll count 'em off on my fingers.

"But I'm thinking what Frank Harley's going to do with his fingers, when we can give him a chance. We've loads of fun ahead, or I'm mistaken." "I won't try it on very often," said Frank. "Fun's fun, that's a fact; but I came here to learn something." "My dear young friend," said Ford, with a sudden imitation of Mr. Fallow, "think of how much you've learned in seven days.

I kinder cal'lated you'd weaken when the time come. Ain't goin' ter think better of it, huh?" The old man, smiling through a cloud of tobacco smoke, contemplated Tom with shrewd, twinkling, expectant eyes. "Fun's jest about startin' naow, Tommy. 'Member what I told yer baot them critters. Daont yer go back on account of no gal." "I ain't going back on account of a girl," said Tom.

Even in that portion of the crowd that did not relieve its feelings by either talking or shouting, there was observable the indefinable something that says, 'Now the real fun's going to begin. You see the same sort of manifestation in the playhouse when the favourite comedian makes his entrance.

They won't hear of our going any more. I go every Saturday and take Donald for a very careful drive over a smooth road with the Bear Cat cursing our rate of speed all the way. All the fun's spoiled for all three of us." "Think I would be any good as a substitute when it comes to field work?" inquired Peter casually. "I have looked at your desert garden so much I would know a Cotyledon if I saw it.

"Come now," continued the regardless Captain, "just for the fun's sake, doff your coat and waistcoat, and swop with Monseer Grinagain here; and I'll warrant you'll not know yourself which is which." "Not know myself from a monkey!-I assure you, Sir, I'm not to be used in this manner, and I won't bear it-curse me if I will!"

I get buried down in a cellar with five men and sit there in the dark till the fun's all over. Then you don't even take the trouble to tell me it's time to go home. I don't like it." "Great Scott! You're not mad, are you, Chester?" "Mad? Sure I'm mad. Next time you get in a hole I'm going to walk away and leave you there." Hal smiled. "Oh, I guess not," he returned. "You do, eh?

Sampson after her tramp through all that dreadful snow and slush she must be utterly done up," she said kindly. "Done up, auntie? Tired?" the girl said, with a little scornful laugh. "Don't you believe it. Why the fun's only just beginning, isn't it, Seth? Do you know, auntie dear, the Indians are getting troublesome; they're going out on the war-path. Aren't they, Seth?

Pao-ch'ai felt a wish to catch them for mere fun's sake, so producing a fan from inside her sleeve, she descended on to the turfed ground to flap them with it. The two butterflies suddenly were seen to rise; suddenly to drop: sometimes to come; at others to go.