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The light drew nearer. "Launch, 'hoy!" They had seen us! Fu-Manchu's guttural voice spoke shortly and our screw began to revolve again; we leaped ahead into the bank of darkness. Faint grew the light of the police launch and was gone. But I heard Ryman's voice shouting. "Full speed!" came faintly through the darkness. "Port! Port!"

Upon the picture of his face as I saw it then, I do not care to dwell. It lacked the unique horror of Dr. Fu-Manchu's unforgettable countenance, but possessed a sort of animal malignancy which the latter lacked... He approached within three or four feet of the bed, peering peering.

We were both silent for some moments; then "What do you propose to do?" I asked. "We must not let Fu-Manchu's servants know," replied Smith, "but to-night I shall conceal myself in Slattin's house and remain there for a week or a day it matters not how long until that attempt is repeated. Quite obviously, Petrie, we have overlooked something which implicates the murderer with the murder!

Cannabis indica is a treacherous narcotic, as every medical man knows full well; but Fu-Manchu's knowledge of the drug was far in advance of our slow science. West's experience proved so much. I may have neglected opportunities later, you shall judge if I did so opportunities to glean for the West some of the strange knowledge of the secret East. Perhaps, at a future time, I may rectify my errors.

The word "Zagazig" was completed, always, and did not necessarily terminate with the last letter occurring in the cryptographic message. A subsequent inspection of this curious code has enabled Nayland Smith, by a process of simple deduction, to compile the entire alphabet employed by Dr. Fu-Manchu's agent, Samarkan, in communicating with his awful superior.

I found myself looking down at one of those thick-set Burmans whom I always associated with Fu-Manchu's activities. He lay quite flat, face downward; but the back of his head was a shapeless blood-dotted mass, and a heavy stock-whip, the butt end ghastly because of the blood and hair which clung to it, lay beside him. I started back appalled as Smith caught my arm.

That Fu-Manchu's anger, grief, sorrow and resignation were real, no one watching him, and hearing his voice, could doubt. He continued: "By one deed, and one deed alone, may I win a lighter punishment. By one deed, and the resignation of all my titles, all my lands, and all my honors, may I merit to be spared to my work which has only begun."

"Because I strongly suspect that we have to do with none other than Fu-Manchu's daughter! But go on." "By heavens, Smith! You may be right! I had no idea that a Chinese woman could possess such features." "She may not have a Chinese mother; furthermore, there are pretty women in China as well as in other countries; also, there are hair dyes and cosmetics. But for Heaven's sake go on!"

Fu-Manchu their Lord and Master. I cannot dwell upon the end of that encounter; I cannot hope to make acceptable to my readers an account of how Nayland Smith, glassy-eyed, and with consciousness ebbing from him instant by instant, stood there, a realization of Leighton's "Athlete," his arms rigid as iron bars even after Fu-Manchu's servant hung limply in that frightful grip.

I fear its ashes will afford us no clew, Petrie; but we have secured a lever which should serve to disturb Fu-Manchu's world." He glanced at the queer figure which hung submissively in his arms. She looked up proudly. "You need not hold me so tight," she said, in her soft voice. "I will come with you."