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Ye see they're juist try in' the Scripture plan o' heapin' coals o' fire on yer head. "Here ye've been negleckin' the fouk in seeckness an' lettin' them dee afore their freends' eyes withoot a fecht, an' refusin' tae gang tae a puir wumman in her tribble, an' frichtenin' the bairns no, a'm no dune and scourgin' us wi' fees, and livin' yersel' on the fat o' the land.

Ye see they're juist try in' the Scripture plan o' heapin' coals o' fire on yer head. "Here ye've been negleckin' the fouk in seeckness an' lettin' them dee afore their freends' eyes withoot a fecht, an' refusin' tae gang tae a puir wumman in her tribble, an' frichtenin' the bairns no, a'm no dune and scourgin' us wi' fees, and livin' yersel' on the fat o' the land.

Ye see they're juist tryin' the Scripture plan o' heapin' coals o' fire on yer head. "Here ye've been negleckin' the fouk in seeckness an' lettin' them dee afore their freends' eyes withoot a fecht, an' refusin' tae gang tae a puir wumman in her tribble, an' frichtenin' the bairns no, a'm no dune and scourgin' us wi' fees, and livin' yersel on the fat o' the land.

The air reverberated with Archie fire of a peculiar and unusual intensity long before he came within striking distance of the first zone. Tam saw the angry rush of the guardian machines and turned his little Nieuport homeward. "A'richt! A'richt! What's frichtenin' ye?" he demanded indignantly, as they streaked behind his tail. "A'm no' anxious to put ma nose where it's no' wanted!"