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So far Lady Arpington judged rightly; Carinthia's tears, shed at the thought of her brother under the world's false judgement of him, left her spiritless to resist her husband's advocates. Unusual as they were, almost unknown, they were thunder-drops and shook her. All for the vivid surface, the Dame frets at stresses laid on undercurrents.

The fault does not lie in any want of raw material: nor yet does it lie in want of taking pains. The modern Italian painter frets himself to the full as much as his predecessor did if the truth were known, probably a great deal more. I am sure Titian did not take much pains after he was more than about twenty years old. It does not lie in want of schooling or art education.

Ah, my poor friend, who canst not trust in God I was going to say you DESERVE but what do I know of you to condemn and judge you? I was going to say, you deserve to be treated like the child who frets and complains because his mother holds him on her knee and feeds him mouthful by mouthful with her own loving hand.

"She has a mother, ma'am," said the steward, "who is lying a-dying at Holyhead, and she frets greatly for her." We were told afterwards that this lady has for twenty years crossed the sea annually to visit her mother, though she never could make the passage without swooning.

"You are an actor?" "I am, please your worship 'A poor player, That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is seen no more." There was inexpressible pathos in his tone, and his fine face looked thin and worn it did not take much to soften both John's feelings and mine towards the "poor player."

But one should hear her tell it herself, as has been said, on a cold, gloomy winter day in the country, the fire glimmering on the hearth; the overworked husband in the fields; the baby quiet at last; the mother uneasy, restless, thought-driven; the soft black hand rubbing backward and forward, rubbing out aches and frets and nervousness.

"Yes, and I try to be, but she is so odd lately." "Odd! How do you mean?" "Why, she is either as calm and cold as a statue, or restless and queer; she cries at night, I know, and sighs sadly when she thinks I don't hear. Something is the matter." "She frets for Ned perhaps," began Coventry. "Oh dear, no; it's a great relief to her that he is gone.

Then again, some people like to make sport of others, and tease them; and if they see that some one can not hear it well, if it frets him and worries him, this only increases their delight. I have heard such people say, “I just like to tease So-and-so; he can not stand it at all.” Saints, of course, should never do such a thing as that; they should have more regard for the feelings of others.

The elaborate decoration of the zone outside the six butterflies is made up of feathers arranged in three clusters of three each, alternating with key patterns, crosshatched crooks, triangles, and frets. The wealth of ornament on this part of the vase is noteworthy, and its interpretation very baffling.

I can't understand that fretting about having had a glass too much. I only frets when I can't get enough. Well, of all the noses I ever saw, his bests them by chalks; I did so want to laugh at it, but I knew it would pain him." "It is very kind of you, Tom, to hold your tongue, and I thank you very much."