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"I stood in de fore-riggin' an' watched de big says as dey come down upon us; an' I'll tell you one thing you'll do well to remember. Whenever a big wave come dat I knew would sink us, if it broke upon us, I made de sign of de holy cross, an' de wave broke before it reached us."

I hear you have long followed the sea, Cap'n Sproul I believe that's the name, Cap'n Sproul?" "Sproul it is, ma'am Aaron for fore-riggin'. Them as said I follered the sea was nearer than shore-folks us'ly be. Took my dunnage aboard at fourteen, master at twenty-four, keel-hauled by rheumatiz at fifty-six wouldn't be here if it wasn't for that. I ain't stuck on a penny-flippin' job of this sort."

So de brakes was rigged, but he an' de capten had to man dem at first, for all de rest were afeard, an' I was in de fore-riggin' watchin' de says. "Well, dey pumped a while, an' de oil an' water went overboard, an' as we went driftin' away to leeward, I saw de slick of de ile spreadin' over de waves. We kept a couple of men at de pumps till night, an' dere wasn't another say broke over us."

"It was a hard pull, and a nasty sea, but they kept at it, and in half an hour was within hailin'-distance. Then the third officer of the steamer stood up and sung aout, 'Schooner ahoy! 'Ay, ay! says a man in the schooner's fore-riggin', and the men see naow that she was ridin' like a duck and as dry as a sojer. 'Are ye in distress? sung aout the officer.

Then he climbed to the front seat and took up the reins. "Git up!" he shouted savagely. Dan'l Webster did not move. The passenger offered a suggestion. "Why don't you try hangin' an alarm clock in his fore-riggin'?" he asked. "Haw! haw!" roared the depot master. "Git up, you you lump!" bellowed the harassed Mr. Lumley. Dan'l pricked up one ear, then a hoof, and slowly got under way.