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Accordingly, after luncheon, a tent, half a dozen fishing-lines, a good lens to serve as a burning-glass, a saw, an axe, and a few other useful odds and ends, including a small supply of food and groceries to let the marooned man down gently, so to speak were put into the boat; and Barker was then released from his confinement, conducted up on deck, and ordered down the side, Sir Reginald and Mildmay following him.

The walls were decorated with bows, arrows, blow-pipes, lances, game-bags, fishing-lines, and other articles of the chase, as well as with miniature weapons and appliances of a similar kind, varying its size according to the ages of the little Tigers.

But having nothing of the kind, their hope of adding to their slender stock of provisions was very small indeed. Fortunately, they had one or two fishing-lines, but in the deep water, over which for many days they had to sail, fishing was out of the question. This matter of the provisions was a source of constant anxiety to Captain Dunning.

Now, then one, two fire!" The two shots sounded almost at the same moment, and the birds fell over on to the ground. This double report put to flight all the spoonbills and cranes, and the lake was soon perfectly deserted. We now took the road leading to the "Palm-tree Villa," and l'Encuerado went on before us to take up his fishing-lines.

We had become so fond of even our fishing-lines; and this very day you may see in Kate's room two great bunches of Deephaven cat-o'-nine-tails. They were much in our way on the journey home, but we clung affectionately to these last sheaves of our harvest.

The bones were quite acrid and the soup extracted from them excoriated the mouth if taken alone, but it was somewhat milder when boiled with tripe de roche and we even thought the mixture palatable with the addition of salt, of which a cask had been fortunately left here in the spring. Augustus today set two fishing-lines below the rapid.

The shell and creature were perfect, although it was very different from the graceful one I had seen pictured in books, with its tentaculi spread out, and apparently employed in rowing over the water; but in reality, as Mr Hooker had told me, used as fishing-lines, or, at all events, for catching its prey.

"A good many; but the best use we can make of it, is to turn it into fishing-lines, when we require new ones." "But how can we do that, it is so thick and heavy?" "Yes, but I will show you how to unlay it, and then make it up again.

We immediately twisted some fishing-lines, and taking a piece of goat's flesh as bait, we scrambled out to the end of a rock, below which the water was deep, to try our luck. That day we caught ten fine fish. We had an additional cause to be thankful, for our health required a change of diet. We no longer had the slightest apprehension of starving.

"Ah, my friend, but I would rather not risk it," observed the captain. "However, if you can undertake to clean the pot thoroughly after you have used it, I will not hinder you, as I am well aware that you could procure more food with your blowpipe than all of us together, with our bows and arrows and fishing-lines." Having obtained the loan of the pot, Kallolo immediately commenced operations.