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Maybe those soldierrs ought to be fighting, but saving a person comes firrst. You've hearrd about giving all you have to the Red Cross. All we got is the chance to get away. We've got morre chance than we had when we starrted, 'cause you'rre a good scout " "I don't claim "

"I've come to set your arm," said the captain. "I beg your pardon, captain," replied Mac; "but the firrst thing ye got to do is to get this ship to sea. We'll talk of me arrum after that." "O, there's no such blooming hurry," returned Wicks. "When the next ship sails in ye'll tell me stories!" retorted Mac. "But there's nothing so unlikely in the world," objected Carthew.

Chump wantonly sought to prevent him. Each was burdened with serious matter; but they might have struck hands here, had not this petty accidental opposition interposed. "Makes me feel confident..." Wilfrid resumed. "And Pole's promos, Mr. Wilfrud; ye're forgettin' that." "Confident, ma'am." "He was the firrst to be soft." "I say, ma'am, for his sake " "An' it's for his sake.

"Well, I'm not after saying it was not a wrinch at firrst, but I considered it best to lave Wall Street Wall Street, ye understand, before " "I see. Before you fell a victim to the feverish desire for reckless speculation which is so marked a characteristic of the American business man, what?" "That's it," said the other, relieved. "I, too, have been speculating," said Mr.

Reardon bound and gagged him and laid him tenderly on his back to await developments. "Now thin, Michael," he said to the skipper, "lave us go back an' see can we catch another. At four o'clock, whin this lad fails to return, Misther Uhl, the omadhaun, will sind up another man to see what the divil ails the firrst man." And it was even so. This time it was the oiler.

For I call t' mind now that me father always varnished th' dongolas before he soaked thim overnight. 'Take no chances, Mike, he used t' say t' me, 'always varnish thim firrst. Some of thim is rubbery an' will not soak up wather, but some is spongy, an' 'tis best t' varnish one an' all of thim." "Think of that now!" exclaimed Fagan with admiration.

I had, as ye know, the honour to be poor Michael's close friend for a period of five years, and my knowledge of him is entirely at your disposal." I answered that I should be seriously handicapped without it. "Just so. It is Miss Andriaovsky's desire that we should pull together. Now, in the firrst place, what is your idea about the forrm the book should take?"

"I've come to set your arm," said the captain. "I beg your pardon, captain," replied Mac; "but the firrst thing ye got to do is to get this ship to sea. We'll talk of me arrum after that." "O, there's no such blooming hurry," returned Wicks. "When the next ship sails in, ye'll tell me stories!" retorted Mac. "But there's nothing so unlikely in the world," objected Carthew.

"The boy says you want me to look at a cat," he said in his hopeless tone. "Where's the cat?" Flannery walked to the box and stood over it, and Doc Pomeroy stood at the other side. He did not even bend down to look at the cat. "That cat's dead," he said without emotion. "Av course it is," said Flannery. "'Twas dead th' firrst time I seen it."

Many's th' time I have seen me old father soakin' th' young dongolas t' limber thim up for swimmin'. 'If iver ye have to do with dongolas, Mike, he used t' say t' me, 'soak thim well firrst. So I soaked thim, an' 'tis none of me fault, nor Fagan's either, that they soaked full o' wather. First-class dongolas is wather-proof, as iveryone knows, Dugan, an' how was we t' know thim two was not?