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All this talk 'bout Injuns not bein' fighters, an' not bein' game, an' one white man bein' as good as ten Injuns, makes me feel like th' organ-grinder Dago what said, 'It makes me sick, an' makes th' monkey sick, too! "Well, to git back. Gee, you fellers'll think I'm a Williams J. Bryant runnin' f'r President. Notice I said runnin'! No, I ain't tryin' t' be funny. I just wish I could be.

"I reckon," he announced abruptly when they stood on the crest of a steep hill, "I'll turn back hyar. I don't dwell over yore way an' thar hain't no use fer me ter fare further. I'll bid ye farewell an' mebby some day all us fellers'll meet up again." Alexander was surprised, and a sharp little pang of disappointment shot through her breast.

He has all the earmarks. Why, when he comes back to Coniston, them fellers'll hunt their holes like rabbits, mark my words." "You don't think " "Don't think what?" "I understand he holds the mortgages of some of them," said Wetherell. "Shouldn't blame him a great deal ef he did git tired and sell Chester out soon. This thing happens regular as leap year."

Afore the Chrismuss snow flies this ere army'll fall on them thar Rebels 'round Murfressboro like an oak tree on a den o' rattlesnakes. Blood'll run like water in a Spring thaw, an' them fellers'll hev so menny fun'rals ter tend thet they won't hev no time for Chrismuss frolics.

"Well, that's all right for a man who can afford it. I've got a big family and I wouldn't feel right to be blowing in two or three dollars a day just for style." "Wherever the girls are thickest, there's where you'll find me," said one of the young fellows. "That's me," said another. Thompson smiled with a superior air. "You fellers'll bring up down on South Clark Street before you end.

We're liable to strike some guerrillas along the way, and we must be ready for them." "You fellers'll have to do the shootin'," whispered Shorty to Si. "It'll be a cold day when I bang $150 in greenbacks at any rebel that ever jumped. I'm goin' to take the cap off en my gun. The jostlin' o' the train's likely to knock it off at any time, and send a small fortune through the roof o' the car.

Jury won't leave their seats. These city fellers'll find they've bit off more'n they can chew when they try to figure out John Wood done that. I only hope I'll have the luck to be on that case all hands on the jury whisper together a minute, and then clear him, right on the spot, and then shake hands with him all 'round!" "But something is worrying you," she said. "What is it?

These fellers'll have to learn better than that with this new man. I know him of old he's a man that always brings in the meat." "But he didn't try to escape," Morgan protested. "He was so drunk he didn't know whether he was coming or going." Conboy looked at him disfavoringly, as if to warn him to be discreet in matters of such remote concern to him as this.

Many 's the time he 's got her meals for her 'n' took 'em to her on a waiter. Them secesh fellers'll wait on women folks long as they can stan' up. "Then bime bye the baby come along; but that made things wuss 'stid o' better. She didn't pay no more 'tention to it than if it hed belonged to the town.

"Bud, you've got ter go ter town, so's they'll believe thet story. Don't come back hyar no more. Them fellers'll ride back before sundown. They suspicions somethin' an' they'll jest about slip back ter make shore. I'll take this feller an' lay out in the timber tell night. Here, give me a lift." The two of them raised me, still gagged, and carried me down the stairs.