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Faria followed him with an excited look, "and now," he said, when he saw that Dantes had read the last line, "put the two fragments together, and judge for yourself." Dantes obeyed, and the conjointed pieces gave the following:

Days, even months, passed by unheeded in one rapid and instructive course. At the end of a year Dantes was a new man. Dantes observed, however, that Faria, in spite of the relief his society afforded, daily grew sadder; one thought seemed incessantly to harass and distract his mind.

"This paper, my friend," said Faria, "I may now avow to you, since I have the proof of your fidelity this paper is my treasure, of which, from this day forth, one-half belongs to you." The sweat started forth on Dantes brow. Until this day and for how long a time! he had refrained from talking of the treasure, which had brought upon the abbe the accusation of madness.

According to de Faria, Rio Grande was discovered by Nunez Tristan in 1447, nine years before it was visited by Cada Mosto. Astl.

While retracing the past, I forget the present; and traversing at will the path of history I cease to remember that I am myself a prisoner." "But the ink," said Dantes; "of what did you make your ink?" "There was formerly a fireplace in my dungeon," replied Faria, "but it was closed up long ere I became an occupant of this prison.

"They denounced Edmond as a Bonapartist agent." "Which of the two denounced him? Which was the real delinquent?" "Both, sir; one with a letter, and the other put it in the post." "And where was this letter written?" "At La Reserve, the day before the betrothal feast." "'Twas so, then 'twas so, then," murmured the abbe. "Oh, Faria, Faria, how well did you judge men and things!"

Jane still lay motionless in Spero's arms. The vicomte called despairingly for help, but none came. Suddenly it occurred to him that Jane's condition was due to some narcotic, and with a cry of joy he pulled a small crystal vial from his breast pocket. It contained a liquid the Abbé Faria had taught Edmond Dantes how to make. Putting the vial to Jane's lips, he poured a few drops down her throat.

The next great step was due to the English surgeon, Braid, who in the forties studied the magnetic phenomena and like Faria insisted on the merely mental origin of the abnormal state. He proved that a person can bring himself into such an artificial state and that it is therefore entirely independent of energies from without.

This passage alludes to the voyage of Antonio de Noli in 1462. And it may be remarked, that de Faria, who mentions the discovery of these islands by Noli, takes no notice of the actual discovery by Cada Mosto. Astl.

Faria y Souza, a Spanish writer, whose work was first published a century after these events, confirms the period, February 1520 to February 1521, as that of Sequeira's absence at the Red Sea, and he writes: