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De Vita Propria, ch. xli. p. 149. De Utilitate, p. 350. De Utilitate, p. 357: "Nam in urbe nec collegium recipere volebat nec cum aliquo ex illis artem exercere licebat et sine illis difficillimum erat." He writes thus while describing this particular visit to Milan. Ill fortune seems to have pursued the whole family in their relations with learned societies.

Sic turn vita erat, aegros visere, mox domi in musaeo se condere, officinam Vulcaniam exercere; omnes medicinae partes acerrime persequi; mathematica etiam aliis tradere; sacra legere, et auctores qui profitentur docere rationem certam amandi Deum." Orig. Edit.

Mente animoque. In mind and spirit. Mens is properly the understanding, animus the feeling part, and both together comprehend the whole soul. Acrius animantur. Numeraverim. Subj. cf. note, 2: crediderim. Decumates exercent. Exercent==colunt, So Virg. tellurem, terram, humum, solum, &c., exercere. Decumates==decumanos. Occurs only here. Tithe-paying lands. For their location, see note, 27.

Opera, tom. ix. p. 140. Another piece of advice runs as follows: "De venere certe non est bona, neque utilis, ubi tamen contingat necessitas, debet uti ea inter duos somnos, scilicet post mediam noctem, et melius est exercere eam ter in sex diebus pro exemplo ut singulis duobus diebus semel, quam bis in una die, etiam quod staret per decem dies." Opera, tom. ix. p. 135.