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To falter, or equivocate, or dissemble to this woman would be wicked. Perhaps her character has been misunderstood and maligned. Can I render her a greater service than to apprize her of the aspersions that have rested on it, and afford her the opportunity of vindication? Perhaps she is indeed selfish and profligate; the betrayer of youth and the agent of lasciviousness.

This is her story; but you can never tell how much to believe of the stories which such girls tell." "Did you ever detect her in a falsehood?" asked the gentleman. "Why, no, I never did; but of course she will equivocate, for all such paupers will." "With whom did she live before she came here?" continued the gentleman. "With a Mr. Barnard," answered Mrs.

I could not equivocate with this woman, I could no more lie to her sorrow than to the Judgment. Why had I not foreseen her question? "And he hates me?" She spoke with a calmness now that frightened me more than her agitation had done. "I do not know," I answered; "when I would have spoken to him he was gone." "He was drunk," she said. I stared at her in frightened wonderment.

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; and I will be heard." This was the beginning of the new Abolitionist movement. The Abolitionists, in the main, were impracticable people; Garrison in the end proved otherwise.

Master Arthur was decidedly given to noise and rebellion, and was already, as Wilson expressed it, "sturdy upon his pins." "How is Madame Vine, Joyce?" Joyce scarcely knew how to answer. But she did not dare to equivocate as to her precarious state. And where the use, when a few hours would probably see the end of it? "She is very ill, indeed, sir." "Worse?" "Sir, I fear she is dying." Mr.

"I am not a sea lawyer," Mr. Skinner retorted, "I do not know." "The Retriever will have discharged her cargo weeks before McBride arrives. Then suppose Peasley takes a notion to warp his vessel outside the three-mile limit. What authority has McBride got then?" "I repeat, I am not a sea lawyer, Mr. Ricks." "Don't equivocate with me, Skinner!

"But if the duke should not show you the letter," proceeded Philip, "and you suspect that he means to conceal and equivocate about the particulars of it, you can show him your letter number two, in which it is stated that you have received a copy of the letter to the duke. This will make the step easier."

Ay but, said he, equivocate upon this: a beau mont le viconte, or, to fair mount the prick-cunts. I cannot, said she. It is, said he, a beau con le vit monte, or to a fair c. . .the pr. . .mounts. And upon this, pray to God to give you that which your noble heart desireth, and I pray you give me these paternosters. Take them, said she, and trouble me no longer.

When a temper naturally ingenuous stoops to equivocate, or to dissemble, the anxious pain with which the unwonted task is laboured, often induces the hearer to doubt the authenticity of the tale. I cast a hasty glance on both gloves, and then replied gravely "The gloves resemble each other, doubtless, in form and embroidery; but they cannot form a pair, since they both belong to the right hand."

Some day you'll know more about it than you do now, and maybe you'll understand my p'int of view better. No, I didn't like your father Eh? What was you sayin'?" Albert, who had muttered something, was rather confused. However, he did not attempt to equivocate. "I said I guessed that didn't make much difference to Father," he answered, sullenly. "I presume likely it didn't.